Real Madrid’s Vinicius Junior nears new Nike deal – sources

admin8 November 2023Last Update :
Real Madrid's Vinicius Junior nears new Nike deal - sources

Real Madrid’s Vinicius Junior nears new Nike deal – sources،

Real Madrid striker Vinícius Junior is close to agreeing a new deal with Nike, sources have told ESPN Brasil.

The deal could close this month, according to sources, and the new contract could transform the Brazil international into one of the North American sports brand’s biggest stars.

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The negotiation relates more to a marketing project and the development of Vinícius than to the financial aspect.

ESPN has contacted Nike for comment.

Fred Pena, general manager of Roc Nation Sports Brazil, whose company represents Vinícius, is leading the negotiations with Nike.

Vinicius, who extended his contract with Real Madrid until 2027, wanted to unilaterally end his relationship with Nike in February.

He has been sponsored by Nike since the age of 13, but feels his contract does not sufficiently reflect his newfound success. On February 2, during a La Liga match against Valencia, he entered the field with his shoes painted black to hide the company branding.

His current contract dates back to 2018, when he was 18, and is valid for 10 years.