The world’s latest top 10 best-selling smartphone list includes four iPhones and six Samsungs

admin27 October 2023Last Update :
The world

Remember when Huawei seemed poised to become, and perhaps remain, the world’s leading smartphone vendor? How about when Xiaomi overtook Apple for second place in the global phone sales rankings… for about 15 minutes? Looking further back in the history of the mobile industry, it seems even stranger to think that there was a time when Nokia, Motorola, and BlackBerry were the largest device manufacturers in the world.

We are of course talking about Samsung and Apple, which are responsible for all one of the ten best-selling smartphones in the world in the second quarter of 2023. While this is certainly not shocking to hear, it is still an incredible achievement, as well as a fairly unusual occurrence.

Four is actually better than six

While we have no intention of rewriting basic arithmetic rules, it seems hard to argue with the fact that Apple’s achievements highlighted in Counterpoint’s latest “global handset model sales tracker” are much superior to those of Samsung.
Indeed, the iPhone 14 is number one, followed by the 14 Pro Max, 14 Pro and iPhone 13 in second, third and fourth place respectively, followed by Samsung’s Galaxy A14, A54, A14 5G, S23 Ultra, A04e and A34. the top ten in fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth positions respectively.

It can be said that Apple’s quality has managed to eclipse Samsung’s quantity, which has obviously happened many times in the past. But it’s certainly not every quarter that you see this type of list topping not one, not two, not three, but a grand total of four different iPhone models, and it It’s certainly just as unusual that these four are followed by six members of the Android community. -Galaxy family without absolutely any intrusion from a low cost Redmi or something like that.

In the second quarter of 2022, for example, Samsung managed to grab a podium place behind the iPhone13 and 13 Pro Max with the entry-level Galaxy A13, while the Redmi Note 11 LTE concluded the top 10 and thus delayed the establishment of the current duopoly of industry brands.

The landscape was technically even more diverse at the end of 2021, when two different Redmis were ranked in the global top ten, but Samsung only had one model on that list while Apple had seven (!!!).

The iPhone 14 series is very hot, the S23 family is… not

One of the most notable things about this Q2 2023 hierarchy is that it looks identical to Counterpoint’s Q1 2023 list when it comes to the top four devices, but very different starting at fifth place .

Surprisingly, the Galaxy S23 Ultra, released in the middle of the first quarter of the year, slipped from sixth to eighth place between April and June, while its smaller brothers remain nowhere to be found, proving less efficient (at least in terms of volume) than even the ultra low-end and little-known Galaxy A04e (at least that’s what we thought).

It’s clear that Samsung has a big problem with premium smartphone popularity, especially outside of North America and Western Europe, which apparently account for an overwhelming share of the S23 Ultra’s sales.

It’s also evident that, while enjoying huge success in regions like Asia and Latin America, the mid-range Galaxy A’s simply aren’t powerful enough to completely make up for the failures of the flagships of the company, as evidenced by Samsung’s massive year-over-year decline. second quarter total shipments.
Apple also fell in the second quarter compared to the same period of 2022, but its decline was much smaller than that of its main rival, actually outperforming the market as a whole and suggesting that things are even bigger and bigger. Big achievements could be on the horizon for both. currently incredibly popular iPhone14 range and the all-new iPhone 15 series.