T-Mobile explains how to customize your phone’s QWERTY for one-handed use

admin19 December 2023Last Update :
T-Mobile explains how to customize your phone's QWERTY for one-handed use

T-Mobile explains how to customize your phone’s QWERTY for one-handed use،

If you have a large screen phone and have small hands, do you prefer to use the one-handed keyboard option for typing on your iOS or Android device? If so, did you know that you can customize One-Handed QWERTY to match your dominant hand? T-Mobile created a short video that shows you what to do to make this adjustment that will make a big difference if, again, you prefer to type with one hand.
If you're left-handed, following the instructions on the video will move the one-handed keyboard closer to the left side of the screen. This assumes that as a left-hander, you will hold your phone with your left hand while typing with your left thumb. By tapping the arrow on the right side of the iPhone screen, you will find the full-size two-handed keyboard layout on your device.

The same instructions apply to right-handed iPhone users. You can configure QWERTY for one-handed use by a right-handed person. This will bring the right side of the QWERTY closer to the right side of the screen, allowing you to hold the phone and use your text with your dominant hand. By tapping the arrow on the left side of the screen, you will find the full-size two-handed keyboard layout on your iPhone.

Let's say you have an Android phone. The easiest way to find the toggle is to go to Settings and using the search box at the top, write “one-handed typing”. Under the Gboard heading, you'll see a response that says One-Handed Mode. Tap it. On the next page that appears, find the Layout heading and tap One-handed mode. This will cause a pop-up to appear giving you three options, just like on the iPhone: Off, Right-handed Mode, and Left-handed Mode. Check the one you want to use.

Similar to one-handed mode on iPhone QWERTY, if you select left-handed mode, the layout moves to the left edge of the screen, making it easier to hold the phone with your left hand and type with your left thumb . And of course, selecting the right-handed node will move the keyboard to the right edge of the screen, making it easier to hold the phone with your right hand and type with your right thumb.

On Android, you can quickly switch back to a full-size display for two-handed typing by tapping the circle icon with the four arrows found on the right side of QWERTY in left-handed mode and on the left side QWERTY in left-handed mode. the right side of the mode.

What is your preference ? Do you type using two thumbs on the full-size keyboard or do you type with one hand? Let us know by dropping your response in the comments section below.