Google CEO Pichai advises Android users not to sideload apps

admin18 November 2023Last Update :
Google CEO Pichai advises Android users not to sideload apps

Google CEO Pichai advises Android users not to sideload apps،

A big difference between iOS and Android is that the latter operating system will allow users to download apps to their devices, unlike iOS. When you sideload an app, you are installing it from a third-party app store and Apple does not allow this because it is unable to verify apps from outside the App Store, increasing the possibility that you install malware on your iPhone.
Those who complain about iOS being a “walled garden” should understand why Apple doesn’t allow sideloading. However, many of you may be thinking that you are old enough to decide to take the risk of installing code designed to steal login credentials to your banking and finance apps. Nevertheless, the three letters that keep Apple CEO Tim Cook up all night, the DMA (the European Digital Markets Act) could force Apple to allow sideloading, at least in the 27 member countries of the EU.
As for Android, to paraphrase the iconic Dr. Ian Malcom (played magnificently by Jeff Goldblum) in jurassic parkjust because you can sideload apps on Android doesn’t mean you should download apps on Android. According to, these words of wisdom come from none other than Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet and Google. Last Tuesday, during the US trial via Google, Pichai testified and said (under oath, it should be noted) that he tells Android users not to download apps on their phones.

Pichai said (and may I remind you he is under oath): “We don’t want to allow you to completely compromise your phone. This can install malware on your phone. This can really compromise your security, in ways very significant.” This is of course the reason given by Apple for not allowing sideloading on iOS. Some might say the difference is that Google treats Android users like adults who can make their own decision.

On the other hand, tech-naive users who may not be familiar with the concept of sideloading or understand what malware can do to their bank account, might be happy to know that Apple prevents iPhone users from making an unintentionally dangerous choice. This was the late Steve Jobs’ main concern about the App Store from day one. Since apps these days can pass a scan only to be loaded with malware via an update, your best bet is to avoid installing apps from developers you don’t know.