Vote now: Do you keep track of your phone screen time?

admin15 November 2023Last Update :
Vote now: Do you keep track of your phone screen time?

Vote now: Do you keep track of your phone screen time?،

So, we all love our smartphones, don’t we? They have become like our companions in life, keeping us connected and entertained. But here’s the real deal: Do we ever check how much time we spend glued to these screens?

It’s all about awareness. Keeping tabs on your smartphone usage is crucial to staying in control of the digital and real worlds. Too much screen time has been linked to eye strain, sleep problems, and direct depression. By tracking your habits, you can spot these trends and take charge of your tech time.

Sure, smartphones are great for getting things done, but let’s be real: They can also suck you into a scrolling abyss. There’s a fine line between being productive and mindlessly scrolling through cat videos on TikTok or Instagram.

There is also real life outside the smartphone screen. People who are dear to you and people who care about you. But let’s stop with the moral narrative – we all get it – too much is bad. And the developers understood this. They’ve added features to help you control your screen time. Set limits and get usage reports. Do we use them? It’s time to find out!

Do you keep track of your screen time? Vote in the poll and share your addiction in the comments section below.

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