7 tips for successful Black Friday shopping. Your ultimate Black Friday guide!

admin14 November 2023Last Update :
7 tips for successful Black Friday shopping. Your ultimate Black Friday guide!

7 tips for successful Black Friday shopping. Your ultimate Black Friday guide!،

Amazon Black Friday 2023 deals: get started with these first offers

1. Planning is everything. Start working on that shopping list!

Imagine this: you’re scouring the vast jungle of the Internet, full of adrenaline, ready to land the best deals. But wait! What exactly are you looking for? Take a breath, write down your shopping list, and organize those items. What is a must-have and what can wait until the next sale? Knowing this will help you avoid decision paralysis in the heat of the moment. Research is your secret weapon. Check prices before the big day. Is this 50% off really a good deal, or has it been hanging around at this price for months? There is wisdom in the words of ancient shoppers: “He who researches will shop wisely.” » Of course, you don’t have to browse every site. When the day comes, you’ll find everything tidy here on PhoneArena, but your shopping list will be very useful even then. So grab a pen and paper and start doodling.

You can also do this online or using an app. For example, here is how to create shopping lists on Amazon:

  • Go to Account & Lists and select Your Lists.
  • Select Create List and insert a list name.
  • Select Create List.
  • Select the three-dot menu and Manage List to update your shipping address and other preferences.
  • Select Save Changes.
  • You can repeat this process to create an unlimited number of lists.
  • You can now add commercial items to your list.

2. Know your budget! Don’t overspend.

Sure, discounts are tempting, but your bank account has feelings, too. Set an overall budget for the day. Think of it as your shopping battle armor: it protects you from overspending and possible post-Black Friday regrets. Break it down further. Each item on your list has its own mini-budget. This way, you won’t wonder if this shiny gadget is worth eating fast food for the rest of the month. Of course, you can spend your entire budget on a single day. If the Black Friday deal of your dreams arrives, let’s say the Galaxy S23 Ultra is suddenly half price. Go ahead, but know that this will be your only purchase and be careful about that.

3. Don’t hesitate to buy early. The world belongs to those who get up early.

Even though Black Friday is still a few days away, many retailers and online stores are launching their campaigns early to move some inventory and attract customers to their sites. Don’t hesitate to get this Apple Watch 8 deal, even though it’s not technically Black Friday yet.

If you’ve done your research before the event, you’ll know what typical discounts you should expect and, ultimately, when to pull the trigger on that sweet Black Friday deal. Which brings us to the next key point for successful Black Friday shopping.

4. Do some research, dear Watson! Compare prices and do your homework.

Elementary, my dear buyer! Don’t fall for the first discount that catches your eye. Embrace the digital age and use price comparison tools. Wait for the best offer to come to you. And how would you know it’s the best Black Friday deal? Well, you need to research your targets beforehand. Write down the average prices of the things you want to buy on your shopping list.

This way you will be prepared and absolutely sure that the best price is right in front of you. At PhoneArena, we do a little of that for you; we’ll list the best Black Friday deals, but just to be sure and feel like you got the best deal later, take note of these prices.

5. Stay cool. Don’t let emotions waste your money!

A huge percentage of people buy with emotion. It’s not the best way to spend your money, especially during an event like Black Friday. If you follow all the steps we’ve already listed above, you’re unlikely to fall into the trap of impulsivity, but a little extra effort can go a long way. You might be tempted to get your dream phone as soon as you see that 20% off label. Don’t fall into the trap; remember your training, young Jedi. Check the average price and maybe wait a bit. We’ll list deals from various online retailers here on PhoneArena, so you also have the option to shop from your favorite location.

6. Beware of bundles. Why buy a pair of headphones when you can get one for free!

If you’re buying multiple gadgets this Black Friday, be aware of potential bundle deals. Many places offer a bonus item when you pull the trigger on a large purchase. You can buy headphones with smartphones, and even smartwatches are sometimes given away for free if you buy the flagship phone deal (psst, it’s Samsung, so keep an eye out for Galaxy Watch bundles).

7. Return Policies. Mistakes were made. How can I correct them?

We are all humans, after all. Sometimes we make mistakes, and despite all the good advice we’ve been given, we risk ending up with a purchase we don’t want. Check the location’s return policy before finalizing your purchase.

Most online retailers offer two weeks to a month for returns, but some may even ignore returns. Checking the return policy will save you a lot of potential gray hairs. Here you can find the return policies of some of the most popular online retailers:

Extra tip

Simply enjoy! Don’t let Black Friday ruin your day. Don’t stress and just be happy even if you don’t buy anything! And if you make good purchases, enjoy the feeling of having things for yourself and leave the blame this time. Life is worth living!