Apple launches new analytics tool for artists on its music service

admin13 November 2023Last Update :
Apple launches new analytics tool for artists on its music service

Apple launches new analytics tool for artists on its music service،

Like many other streaming platforms, Apple offers numerous analytics tools for artists who use its music service. Over the weekend, the Cupertino-based company released a new featureListening Now, which promises to provide real-time data for listening analysis of Apple Music artists.

Apple’s Music for Artists platform is where artists can track analytics and connect with their fans. With the addition of the “Listening Now” widget, artists will be able to see the number of listeners in real time.

The widget shows artists how many listeners have started playing one of their songs at any given time. Additionally, it provides a detailed view of their Listening Now trends from the last two days.

The new Listening Now feature is now available on the Apple Music website for artists and through the iPhone app, which was recently updated to include the new analytics widget.