Apple reportedly plans to appeal Europe’s inclusion of iMessage as a gatekeeper in the DMA

admin13 November 2023Last Update :
Apple reportedly plans to appeal Europe

Apple reportedly plans to appeal Europe’s inclusion of iMessage as a gatekeeper in the DMA،

As many of you probably know, the European Union has been putting pressure on tech giants in recent years, in an effort to regulate their ever-increasing power. One such EU effort is called the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which aims to combat monopolies and gatekeeping in the technology market. NOW, 9to5Mac Reports that Apple is working to appeal to the EU regarding the inclusion of the App Store and iMessage in the DMA.

Apple is (unsurprisingly) working on an appeal to the EU regarding the DMA

The EU claimed that the App Store and iMessage were monology gatekeeping services. The fact that both of these fall into this category means that Apple will be forced to allow alternatives to in-app purchases, sideloading, and many other changes to the way Apple does things. Apple’s dispute reportedly focuses on the fact that iMessage is not big enough in Europe to be considered a gatekeeping service. The Cupertino giant also wants to debate exactly which part of the App Store will be subject to regulation.

The appeal has not yet been officially filed. The deadline for this is Thursday, November 16. By then, Apple’s exact arguments for the appeal should be clearer.

This call does not delay the need to follow the rules, however, and the deadline for Apple to comply with the DMA is still by March 2024. We’ll probably know soon where this leaves us, but Apple won’t be able to get away with it. come out completely. these new rules. For one thing, we already know (sort of) that Apple is working on a way to allow sideloading on iPhones. Changes to iMessage are always secret (if some are already in the works). If iMessage ends up remaining under the DMA as a gatekeeper, Apple may be forced to make it compatible with smaller chat apps.