iPhone still takes calls minutes after getting pulled from bonfire, transfers data the next morning

admin11 November 2023Last Update :
iPhone still takes calls minutes after getting pulled from bonfire, transfers data the next morning

iPhone still takes calls minutes after getting pulled from bonfire, transfers data the next morning،

The guy who found the phone used an airline and compressor to dry the handset and the next morning after plugging the device into the charger it was working perfectly. And by showing the screen saver image on Facebook that showed the owner of the phone, the original owner of this iPhone had their device returned. So we know that the iPhone is capable of surviving torture tests that could have spelled the end for other smartphones.
So that brings us to the latest incredible endurance feat for the iPhone. On Reddit, an unlucky iPhone user said his phone accidentally fell into a bonfire. He shared a photo of the device and case that looked pretty crusty after the accident. But the most amazing thing was what he was able to do with the phone before he had to get rid of it. He wrote: “My iPhone was a champ!!!! I was getting calls within minutes and it was still working. I also couldn’t charge it and it continued to work like the energizer bunny for quite a long time until so I can save it and transfer it to a new phone the next morning.
Although he was fried by scorching temperatures, his phone still received calls and was able to continue working until the data was transferred to a new phone the next morning. It’s absolutely incredible. The iPhone 15 Pro series handsets that overheated did not experience a comparable amount of heat as this unnamed iPhone model. As one Reddit follower jokingly wrote: “Call Apple and tell them this new overheating problem is getting out of control.”
Although we don’t know which iPhone model was dropped in the bonfire, we can rule out the iPhone 15 series and the iPhone 14 Pro series due to the notch. With the MagSafe case, we know that this phone can’t be older than an iPhone 12 series device. It doesn’t matter. Ultimately, the charred phone was able to hold on long enough to transfer data to a new device and that’s about all you can ask for in this scenario.