Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak hospitalized in Mexico City after possibly suffering a stroke

admin9 November 2023Last Update :
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak hospitalized in Mexico City after possibly suffering a stroke

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak hospitalized in Mexico City after possibly suffering a stroke،

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is reportedly hospitalized in Mexico after suffering what was initially thought to be a stroke. TMZ has been informed by sources with “direct knowledge” of the incident that the “Woz” is in fact suffering from dizziness. The latter is a symptom that causes dizziness. It can also make the room you’re in seem like it’s spinning. Wozniak was supposed to attend a World Business Forum event in Mexico City on Wednesday afternoon.
Reuters reports that he could not confirm whether Wozniak had been hospitalized. TMZ said Wozniak finished his speech at the World Business Forum and told his wife he “felt strange.” She immediately told him to go to the hospital. Wozniak resisted but his wife insisted and the two went to a local hospital where Steve reportedly underwent tests.
Wozniak and Steve Jobs teamed up to create Apple Computer in 1976. Wozniak was the technician and Jobs was the businessman, salesman, and face of the company. On December 12, 1980, Apple went public, making Jobs and Wozniak millionaires. Five years later, Wozniak left Apple. And while one might expect “The Woz,” as he’s affectionately known, to be a staunch Apple supporter, he’s been known to walk around with an Android phone due to his predilection for tinkering consumer electronic devices.
Wozniak is credited with building the Apple I and Apple II computers that propelled Apple into the nascent personal computer market and, in those early days, created a challenge between Apple computers and those made by IBM. Apple has become the most valuable public company in the US market. Jobs stayed at Apple for years after Wozniak left before being fired by the man he chose to be CEO, former Pepsi executive John Sculley,

Eventually, Apple purchased a company founded by Jobs called Next, leading Jobs to return as CEO of Apple. And it kicked off a series of new products that Silicon Valley had never seen before: the iMac, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Jobs died of pancreatic cancer in 2011 at the age of 56.

This is a revolutionary story. Check in for updates.