Tech jokes of the week – who doesn’t like a good laugh?

admin8 November 2023Last Update :
tech jokes

Tech jokes of the week – who doesn’t like a good laugh?،

Who doesn’t like a good laugh? Technical topics can sometimes be too serious or just plain boring. So we decided to bring you some tech jokes to cheer you up and help you survive until the weekend. What do you think of these? Let us know in the comments section and add your own jokes if you like. Here we go!

A genie appeared before a woman.
“Whatever you want, as many things as you want, just ask,” said the genie.
“My husband’s eyes should only be on me during all waking hours.”
“And then ..?”
“He shouldn’t care about anything else in life but me.”
“And then?”
“He should never sleep without me by his side.”
“And then ..?”
“When he wakes up in the morning, he should only see my face first.”
“And then ..?”
“He shouldn’t go anywhere without me.”
“And then ..?”
“If there is even one scratch on me, he should go mad with grief.”
“And then ..?”
“That’s it.”
And, bingo, the genius transformed the woman into a smartphone!

“Hey, nice smartphone. How much did you buy it for?”
“I won it in a race.”
“Race? What kind of race? How many people were running?”

“Well, the mobile store owner, three cops and me.”

Phrases that can make you smile:

Why is it so difficult to contact a hacker? He leaves his phone off the hook.

I usually put my smartphone in my back pocket. Now I’m a smartass.

Don’t worry if your smartphone or TV is spying on you… Your vacuum cleaner has been accumulating dirt on you for years.

Today I asked on my phone, “Siri, why am I still single?” and he activated the front camera.