Vote now: Do you use autocorrect on your phone?

admin8 November 2023Last Update :
Vote now: Do you use autocorrect on your phone?

Vote now: Do you use autocorrect on your phone?،

Some of you may remember a site called “Damn, AutoCorrect.” It was a source of endless joy for me when I was younger and autocorrect technology was in its infancy. You can still find tons of puns and awkward situations created by this feature, but thinking about it begs the question: do people use autocorrect on their phones? It’s a force of habit, in my opinion, because I’m used to turning it off. from my Nokia E51 days. I’m sure the prediction and learning algorithms are much better now, and I’ve even tried using autocorrect again once or twice, but when it occasionally changes a word to something I have to come back go back and retype manually, I’m just losing my patience. and turn everything off.

And you? Do you have the patience to let it run for a while and learn from your writing habits? Do you use autocorrect? Have you tried it and thought it wasn’t good enough? Oh, and by the way, my colleague Nick wrote a nice article exploring the nuances and intricacies of autocorrect, and you should definitely check it out if you’re curious about which phone does it best (Pixel, iPhone, or Galaxy) .

So vote for our poll and share your funny autocorrect stories in the comments section below.

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