Here’s why Apple put the development of iOS 18, iPadOS 18 on hold

admin8 November 2023Last Update :

Here’s why Apple put the development of iOS 18, iPadOS 18 on hold،

Let’s discuss something that probably hasn’t occurred to you at all, iOS 18. After all, less than two months have passed since Apple released iOS 17. But even though it might not be not something you’re consciously thinking about right now, you can be sure that Apple is hard at work developing next year’s iPhone operating system. However, Apple is taking some time off and suspending its development work on iOS 18 according to Bloomberg (via AppleInsider).
We could now say that this is done to give the iOS development team a rest. After all, all work and no play can make you a boring boy and leave you pounding on your bathroom door with an ax imitating Ed McMahon (okay, that’s a reference to The shiny). But this is not the case. With 10 months left before iOS 18 sees the light of day, Apple has decided to stop development of the software and take a leave of absence to exterminate the bugs that have started to surface.

Bloomberg reports that in early November, Apple informed its employees about the delay in software development, according to sources with knowledge of the announcement. Instead of working on new things for iOS 18, the development team is working on improving the performance of what has already been developed for iOS 18. This is done by eliminating bugs that cause problems.

Besides iOS 18, Apple has also suspended development of iPadOS 18, macOS 15, and other updates that it will first reveal to the public at WWDC 2024 next year. After a week’s delay to focus on squashing bugs, Apple’s software chief Craig Federighi’s team will immediately get back to work developing new features for iOS 18 and other Apple titles. operating system mentioned above.

Despite the week-long hiatus in developing new features on iOS 18, Apple says it doesn’t expect to change the 2024 software release schedule.