AI features on the Galaxy S24 could come with a subscription fee, rumor suggests

admin7 November 2023Last Update :
AI features on the Galaxy S24 could come with a subscription fee, rumor suggests

AI features on the Galaxy S24 could come with a subscription fee, rumor suggests،

In 2023, artificial intelligence is taking center stage, and it’s not just a passing trend: it’s here to stay and become part of even more devices and services. Just recently, Samsung launched its AI Forum 2023, an annual event showcasing significant advancements in AI and computer engineering.

Prior to this, the Korean tech giant shared its commitment to integrating AI technology as a “new experience” into its devices, with plans to roll out AI features starting in 2024. Speculations arise according to which the upcoming Galaxy S24 series will likely be the first to adopt it. these new AI features.

So far, so good, right? However, a new report from popular tipster Revegnus (via Android titles) suggests that Samsung could opt for a subscription model to access these generative AI tools.

Still, the idea of ​​charging users for features built into the device seems unlikely. If the rumor is true, subscription fees might be more plausible for cloud-based AI capabilities. This approach would involve moving some AI processing tasks to the cloud, which could improve the speed and performance of the device. Currently, Google is a pioneer in integrating AI into smartphones, as evidenced by the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro. Notably, Google does not impose additional fees for using on-device AI features.

What we do know about Samsung’s AI plans for its next flagship series is its focus on generative AI, with the process expected to be fully integrated into the device, eliminating the need for an internet connection . Think of ChatGPT or Google’s Bard, but developed solely by Samsung to run services via simple commands.

Details of Samsung’s AI strategy have not yet been revealed. With the Galaxy S24With the Galaxy S24 Plus and Galaxy S24 Ultra expected to debut in January next year, we don’t need to wait much longer to see what AI magic tricks Samsung has up its sleeve.