What Makes GPT-4 Turbo OpenAI’s Most Powerful Generative AI Model?

admin7 November 2023Last Update :
What Makes GPT-4 Turbo OpenAI's Most Powerful Generative AI Model?

What Makes GPT-4 Turbo OpenAI’s Most Powerful Generative AI Model?،

Last week, reports suggested that OpenAI, led by Sam Altman, would announce several key upgrades to its large GPT language model, as well as reduced pricing for developers. On November 6, 2023, the company announced similar enhancements, including a new GPT-4 Turbo model, featuring an extensive database, new APIs to enable features like image analysis and chat conversations. speech synthesis, and lower prices for developers who are willing to create an application or service around the OpenAI language model.

What’s new in GPT-4?

First, GPT-4 Turbo can now respond to queries with updated information through April 2023. Compared to previous versions limited to September 2021, this is a significant upgrade, given that many Things have happened in the world since then. This will add context to the language model results and help users get more recent updates. Additionally, having more extensive input helps keep the language model on track, so users should also expect better results.

OpenAI increased the input size to 100,000 words

The new model also accepts many more entries, up to 300 pages (up to 100,000 words), whereas previous versions only accepted up to 3,000 words at a time. This allows business users or enterprise clients to process significantly more data simultaneously. For example, the new model can be asked to bring back the critical points of a research paper, summarize an entire book, or go through many data entries in one go.

Other new GPT-4 features

GPT-4 Turbo can also accept images as input and allow users to generate captions, analyze images and read documents with statistics. Developers can use this API to create applications for people with vision-related conditions. Additionally, one can integrate the DALL-E 3 API into their product to allow users to generate images with text prompts. There is also a text-to-speech API, allowing developers to generate human-quality speech.

Reduced costs to encourage developers

As previously reported, Open AI has also reduced prices for developers. The latest GPT-4 Turbo 128K model costs $0.01 for 1,000 input tokens and $0.03 for 1,000 output tokens. For those catching up, 1,000 tokens equals about 750 words. Additionally, GPT-3.5 Turbo 16K costs decreased to $0.001 per 1,000 input tokens and $0.002 per 1,000 output tokens. Although the training price for GPT 3.5 Turbo 4K and 16K remains the same at $0.008, the entry and exit costs have been reduced to a quarter of what they were.

OpenAI will provide legal assistance in cases of copyright infringement

At the developer conference, OpenAI also announced GPTs, which allow developers to create custom versions of ChatGPT for their product, service or application. The company also launched Copyright Shield, which will step in and defend its customers if they face legal action regarding copyright infringement. Additionally, GPT-4 offers many upgrades for individual users and developers. It is currently in developer preview.

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