New Google patent hints at big design change for Pixel Watch 3

admin7 November 2023Last Update :
New Google patent hints at big design change for Pixel Watch 3

New Google patent hints at big design change for Pixel Watch 3،

Google has filed a patent for new sensor technology that could be used to control smartwatches with gestures. The patent, titled “Gesture Recognition on a Watch Frame Using Strain Gauges,” describes a system of sensors that could be integrated into the case of a smart watch to detect gestures such as pressure, tapping, pressing and sliding. patent filingfirst noticed by Portable, claims that current methods of controlling smartwatches, such as rotating crowns and bezels, are “reasonably effective” but have a number of drawbacks. For example, they can make the manufacturing process more complex, make it more difficult to waterproof the device and harm the aesthetics of the watch.

Google’s proposed strain gauge sensor system would solve all these problems. The sensors would be integrated into the watch case, making them invisible to the user and eliminating the need for moving parts. This would make the watch easier to waterproof and more durable. Additionally, strain gauge sensors would enable a smoother and more intuitive user experience.

The existence of this relative of course opens the discussion on the possibility that this is what Google has planned for its next smartwatch, the Pixel Watch 3. In particular the possibility of a model without a button, since the patent filing provides a a number of examples of how strain gauge sensors could be used to control a smart watch. For example, a user can tap the side of the watch to play or pause music, tap the top of the watch to open a specific app, tap the sides of the watch to zoom in or out, or slide your finger along the side of the watch. to scroll through a list. In the filing, Google also suggests that strain gauge sensors could be used to control other devices, such as smart home devices. For example, a user can tap the sides of their watch to turn on the lights or slide their finger across the side of their watch to dim the thermostat.

As we know, patent filings are not always an indication of a product feature that will ultimately ship to consumers. However, it’s fun to speculate about what Google has planned when it comes to hardware. Hopefully this technology will make it to the next Pixel Watchas well as an option for a larger model, which seems to be a popular request among Google Pixel fans.