YouTube sneakily testing out a surprise video button for shorts

admin6 November 2023Last Update :
YouTube sneakily testing out a surprise video button for shorts

YouTube sneakily testing out a surprise video button for shorts،

Have you ever found yourself aimlessly scrolling through YouTube, unsure of what to watch next? YouTube’s latest testing feature could be the answer to your indecision.

Some users have spotted a new play button that appears discreetly in the application and its mission? To add a touch of spontaneity by playing random Shorts tailored to your tastes.

According to Android Font, the context of the videos you get depends mainly on your YouTube history or YouTube videos you may have liked. It can also be based on the creators you subscribe to.

Now we should point this out – it’s not a big release yet. This is a testing feature. In fact, YouTube hasn’t even officially talked about it, so consider it a sort of secret menu item for now. This secret feature is being tested with only a small slice of users. If they seem to like it, the button might stay.

If you are one of the chosen few, you will see this button appear at the bottom right of your screen. Hit it and you’re off on a random adventure. It’s like YouTube is playing a matchmaker role between you and the videos it thinks you’ll like, based on everything you’ve done so far.

What goes on behind YouTube’s doors is often shared through YouTube’s Test Features & Experiences page, where curious viewers can choose to test upcoming features. However, this surprise play button is not among these essays, making it a conundrum.

While you digest this, remember that YouTube has a lot going on – from AI-generated video summaries for creators to giving them more control over comments, not to mention that they’re also testing the ability to put comments paused.

The Pause test feature allows creators to stop new comments on individual videos while keeping existing ones visible, providing a happy medium between full moderation and completely disabling comments.

But back to the button: this might just be the perfect solution for those times when you want YouTube to surprise you. Keep your eyes peeled, because who knows? Your YouTube could be the next to experience this random game of fate.