Warcraft Rumble is now available worldwide on iOS and Android

admin6 November 2023Last Update :
Warcraft Rumble is now available worldwide on iOS and Android

Warcraft Rumble is now available worldwide on iOS and Android،

Blizzard had one of the best Blizzcons this weekend. With three expansions announced for World of Warcraft and another for Diablo IV, Blizzard fans will be very busy in the coming years.

For those who don’t really like Diablo Immortal, Blizzard has another mobile game set in a very different world, but just as popular: Warcraft Rumble. Announced last year, Blizzard’s Warcraft Rumble is now available worldwide on iOS and Android.

According to Blizzard, this is the first Warcraft title designed entirely for mobile. The game allows players to build and command miniature armies made up of iconic heroes, villains and creatures from the Warcraft universe.

At launch, the game features famous heroes like Jaina Proudmoor, Grommash Hellscream, Hogger, and Sylvanas Windrunner, each with their own skills that require certain strategies to beat the opponent.

Besides the intense PvP matches, players can also tackle the massive single-player campaign, which features small strategic puzzles for players to solve.

The game is available for free via the Apple Store And Google Play Storeand players who complete the tutorial within two weeks of launch will receive a set of four mecha-themed items to customize the in-game appearance of their profiles and armies.