Pixel 8 users are complaining about poor battery life when using mobile data

admin1 November 2023Last Update :
Pixel 8 users are complaining about poor battery life when using mobile data

Pixel 8 users are complaining about poor battery life when using mobile data،

One of the reasons I finally gave up on my Pixel 6 Pro and just took delivery of the iPhone 15 Pro Max is the phone’s poor battery life since the first day I unboxed it with enthusiasm. I had hoped that the 5,000 mAh battery listed by Google on the phone’s spec sheet would provide at least all-day battery life, even for a power user like me. The modem that Google supplied to the Tensor G1 chip powering the Pixel 6 series was not a Qualcomm Snapdragon X-series modem and failed to keep the phone connected at some times and drained the battery too quickly at others moments.

Pixel 8 series users complain about how quickly the battery drains on their new phones

So Google switched to the Exynos 5300 modem for the Pixel 7 lineup, but complaints about battery life continued. And even though Google slightly increased the battery capacity of the Pixel 8 series, using the same Exynos 5300 modem caused users to complain about poor battery life once again.
I’m not trying to be mean here, and I’m missing some cool Pixel AI-based features, such as Hold for Me, which allowed Google Assistant to monitor a call when I was put on hold and m ‘notify when the other party returned. the phone. But I can’t shake this feeling that when it comes to key components, Google is cutting corners.
As noted Android Font, Pixel 8 users of the series post in the usual places. On Reddita Pixel 8 Pro user with the handle “dURDENN7” moved from Pixel 7 has Pixel 8 Pro and wrote “With the Pixel 7, I could easily get through the day with an average of 7-8 hours of screen time. However, with the Pixel 8same applications, same usage, same routine, it struggles to reach 5 hours, or at most 6 hours on Wi-Fi. It is a phone €150 more expensive, with a so-called “more” processor. efficient”, a larger battery capacity, a smaller and “more efficient” screen, and yet the battery results are getting worse and worse.”
She continues: “I think the modem is partly to blame, or maybe the configuration. Although I don’t understand why he always uses the same modem as the Pixel 7 even though it’s supposed to be an improved version. Previously, I had no issues with mobile data usage and coverage. With the Pixel 8I notice worse coverage and the battery drains much faster, even without 5G enabled… They should fix this urgently because the current battery status is just pathetic, and it seems Google doesn’t is not aware of it or does not know it. I don’t want to be.”
On Google Support Forum“Dan L138” also has problems with its battery life Pixel 8 Pro. Phone is a week old and battery performance is terrible. Less than 3 hours of screen time and it is at 20%. Verified system battery usage and network is using 75%. This does not only started happening in the last 2 days.”

Some Pixel 8 series users have turned off 5G on their brand new phones to improve battery life.

A Gold product expert suggested that the problem occurs when the phone is using mobile data. According to this theory, the battery is depleted as the phone continues to search for 5G signals and switch between towers. “Dan L1238” responded to agree with this theory and said that he turned off 5G and WiFi calling, which seemed to help. But like this Pixel 8 Pro The owner wrote “Very annoying to have to turn it off just to get decent battery usage from Google’s new flagship. Hopefully a future update will fix these issues.”

If you want to turn off 5G and stick with 4G LTE, go to Settings > Network & internet >SIM cards> The name of your carrier > Preferred network type. The question is whether you want to give up a faster 5G experience for longer battery life. Considering you spent your hard-earned money on a new flagship, you shouldn’t have to make this decision. This goes back to my previous comment about Google shortcuts.
Hopefully the November monthly update will fix the battery drain. But it’s no surprise that the iPhone 15 series and Galaxy S23 line both use Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X70 5G modem. Samsung won’t even use an Exynos modem on its flagship range, why should Google? At this point, Pixel buyers wouldn’t mind spending more to have the best components in their phone. Until Google figures this out, the Pixel line won’t be considered a serious competitor to the iPhone and Samsung’s flagship Galaxy S phones.