Every time you type iPhone on Google, you make the search giant happy

admin1 November 2023Last Update :
Every time you type iPhone on Google, you make the search giant happy

Every time you type iPhone on Google, you make the search giant happy،

During high-profile trials, many closely guarded secrets become public knowledge. Even if Justice Amit Mehta, who presides over the Google Trial largely complied with the search giant’s request to redact the documents and hear testimony privately, a sizable list was shared with the public.
As first spotted by The edgethe official website of Department of Justice released a document regarding YouTube search and ad revenue. Although many important items have been hidden, we can see the 20 Google searches made by US users that generated the most revenue during the week of September 22, 2018.

Here are the requests:

  • iphone8
  • iphone 8 plus
  • car insurance
  • car insurance
  • cheap flights
  • car insurance quote
  • direct television
  • online colleges
  • to&t
  • Hulu
  • iphone
  • great
  • spectrum
  • comcast
  • xfinished
  • insurance quote
  • free credit report
  • cheap car insurance
  • aarp
  • security lock
As you may have noticed, three of the top 20 most lucrative queries were for iPhone. The main buzzwords were the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, which were over a year old at the time and were only recently replaced by the iPhone XR and XS. The 11th most popular query was “iPhone.”

The amount of revenue generated by these search terms is not known, but it is important information nonetheless.

Google doesn’t make money on all search queries. Indeed, not all searches can be linked to purchasing intent. So, for example, if someone is looking for a recent incident or a famous historical figure, they are definitely not looking to buy anything.

Only 20% of Google search queries are commercial in nature. This means that these are the queries that businesses like to place ads for. In the case of competitive and expensive industries, advertisers bid on search keywords.

Given that the iPhone 8 was only a year old during the week of September 22, 2018, retailers, wireless carriers, and accessory makers were likely spending a lot on ads for products that were there. linked.

Likewise, “cheap flights” and “online universities” are search terms that can be monetized. Someone searching for “Xfinity” or “Uber” is probably just trying to visit those sites, but groups often buy ad space for search terms with their own name because they don’t want a competitor to steal this space.

Apple probably spent a lot to get the Apple Store to appear at the top of searches related to the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus.