Narendra Modi’s Party Spokesperson Responds to Alleged iPhone Hacking Attempts Claims by Opposition Leaders

admin31 October 2023Last Update :
Narendra Modi's Party Spokesperson Responds to Alleged iPhone Hacking Attempts Claims by Opposition Leaders

Narendra Modi’s Party Spokesperson Responds to Alleged iPhone Hacking Attempts Claims by Opposition Leaders،

Controversy erupted in India when several opposition leaders said they had received alerts from Apple, warning them of possible “state-sponsored attackers attempting to compromise their iPhones remotely.” These leaders, including personalities like Priyanka Chaturvedi, Mahua Moitra, Raghav Chadha, Shashi Tharoor, Pawan Khera and Sitaram Yechury, shared purported screenshots of these messages on their social media accounts.

So far, Apple has not responded to the situation.

Amit Malviya, a leader of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), responded to the allegations in a post on a social media platform, saying: “The usual suspects raising a storm over a ‘state-sponsored’ attack and claiming being martyrs, that’s all. well… But this hubbub, in all probability, as in the past, will end like a damp squib! Why not wait for Apple to clarify? Or is it too much to miss an opportunity to be outraged?

Opposition leaders have expressed their concerns and criticism of the government on social media. Trinamool Congress MP Moitra shared her experience saying, “I received an SMS and an email from Apple warning me that the government is trying to hack my phone and emails. @HMOIndia – have a life. Adani and the PMO are intimidating – your fear makes me pity.

Chaturvedi also shared a similar warning received from Apple and asked, “So not only me but also @MahuaMoitra received this warning from Apple. Will @HMOIndia investigate?

Shashi Tharoor, Congress MP from Thiruvananthapuram, confirmed that he received a similar message from an Apple ID. He said: “Received an Apple ID, which I verified. Authenticity confirmed. Happy to keep underemployed civil servants busy at the expense of taxpayers like me! Nothing more important to do?

Raghav Chadha, Rajya Sabha MP from the Aam Aadmi Party, expressed his concern, describing it as an attack on the country’s “democratic interests”. He said the alleged hacking attempts came just months before a general election and should be seen in the context of wider attacks on the opposition.

The message shared by these MPs warned of possible state-sponsored attackers targeting their iPhones, raising concerns about the compromise of sensitive data, communications and device functionality.

The situation has sparked debate and raised questions about the security of communications devices used by opposition leaders in India. Further updates and clarifications from Apple and government authorities are eagerly awaited to shed light on the matter.

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