Vote now: Do you care about the processor in your smartphone?

admin25 October 2023Last Update :
Vote now: Do you care about the processor in your smartphone?

Vote now: Do you care about the processor in your smartphone?،

The Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 was just revealed, which got me thinking. Is it that important or just something brands use to get you to upgrade your phone? I always had this suspicion lingering in my mind.

If you think about it, the things we do on our smartphones haven’t changed much over the past decade. Browse the internet, watch a few videos, take a few photos or play a game. Multitasking is more basic than ever; almost nothing works in the background. And yet, the silicon in modern smartphones is ten times better than what we had ten years ago.

But that’s not the point of today’s poll. Obviously, I’ve always been passionate about technology, and things like hardware specs, clock speeds, and other technical details have always interested me. But is this the case for most people? Do people really care if their phone has the latest Snapdragon chipset?

So vote for our poll and share your thoughts on smartphone hardware in the comments section below. On a slightly different note, do you think smartphone hardware can handle seven years of software updates? Come join our discussion and share your opinion there too.

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