Samsung continues to push its flagship phone features towards the bottom of the market and there is some great news to look forward to for cheap Samsung phones. Even the $199 Galaxy A14, which can be purchased as a T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, or unlocked model directly from Samsung, for example, now comes with 5G network connectivity.
It’s a feat that, just two years ago, was reserved for expensive Samsung phones, and one you can’t get for two Benjamins! Samsung, however, is not done upgrading its budget 5G phones and then improving its display quality.
The Galaxy A15 5G has an OLED screen!
One more thing, Samsung said, and decided to equip even its budget phones with OLED displays. Although the Galaxy A14 does well with its 5G modem and next-generation network connectivity at a sub-$200 price point, it skimps on many modern features to get to this price point. Chief among them is this window onto the world, its screen, which is always a low-resolution LCD type.
However, next year Samsung will also install modern OLED display technology in the modest Galaxy A1X series, reports
The Electsupply chain sources. This means the millions-selling Samsung Galaxy A15 will get a much-desired OLED display upgrade and benefit from the deep blacks, high contrast and low power consumption inherent to the technology.
Although, on the surface, superior OLED display technology would be more expensive for Samsung to produce, potentially lowering its profit margin compared to its best-selling A series, there is more to it. It turns out that A2 OLED production for cheaper panels with glass instead of the flexible plastic substrates that Samsung puts in its more expensive phones, is underutilized.
When Samsung includes an OLED display in the Galaxy A15 specifications, it will be able to increase the production rate of the A2 lineup and achieve vast economies of scale that will ultimately make an OLED display for the Galaxy A15 cheaper to manufacture than an LCD screen. Thus, Samsung could kill two birds with one stone – equipping its sub-$200 phones with modern display technology and controlling production costs – just as its finance department could have ordered in these difficult times for the ‘industry.