Samsung Messages and Wallet were falsely flagged as “harmful” by Google

admin24 October 2023Last Update :
Samsung Messages and Wallet were falsely flagged as “harmful” by Google

Samsung Messages and Wallet were falsely flagged as “harmful” by Google،

In the vast Android galaxy, Google Play Protect acts as a guardian, protecting devices from the clutches of malicious apps. But recently, some Galaxy users noticed something strange. Google has decided to give a big red “harmful” stamp to not one, but two Samsung apps: Samsung Messages and Samsung Wallet. Users were greeted with a pop-up message from the Play Store, sternly advising them to bid farewell to these apps. Before you point the finger at Samsung, here’s the plot twist: this wasn’t a rebellion on the part of the Korean tech giant. It was a classic moment of madness on Google’s part. In forums On the Internet, users have expressed their concerns, mainly regarding Samsung Wallet. But luckily, it wasn’t Samsung that went rogue; it was just Google pressing the wrong button. (via 9TO5Google)

Samsung intervened, explaining that this incident was the result of a “temporary failure” on Google’s side, and they quickly managed to fix it.The phenomenon of marking a device as a harmful app with a pop-up stating that there is a device security issue when using the Samsung Messages app has been confirmed to be due to an outage temporary from the Google server. It has now been restored and can be used normally“, Samsung assured its users.

For those who obediently followed the pop-up instructions and disabled these apps, don’t worry. You can put them back into action using the instructions.

In the end, it was Google Play Protect that was briefly overprotective. Affected users have been given the green light to reactivate Messages or Wallet.

In tales of the tech world, sometimes even the guardians don their capes, but the heroes – in this case, your apps – always find their way home.