Google adds more functionality to Gmail on tablets and foldable phones

admin23 October 2023Last Update :
Google adds more functionality to Gmail on tablets and foldable phones

Google adds more functionality to Gmail on tablets and foldable phones،

Google recently decided to highlight some of the productivity features added to some of its apps in recent weeks. These features may have gone unnoticed by many Android users, but one in particular hasn’t been discussed before because it’s brand new.

If you have an Android tablet or foldable smartphone, you’ll be happy to know that Google’s Gmail app now opens links in split-screen. This is a long-awaited feature that is finally making its way to one of the most popular messaging apps available for mobile phones.

To open links or attachments side-by-side with your email, simply tap one of the two, and the link will open in the right half of the screen, while the email will move towards the left half.

Additionally, Google announced that Gmail users can control the width of each half of the screen by dragging the splitter handle in the middle of the screen, making it an even better feature in terms of productivity.

Besides Gmail, Google also highlighted other apps that received third-party optimizations, including Adobe Acrobat Reader, Dropbox, Evernote, Todoist and Zoom. These apps have seen some interesting changes over the past few weeks, so be sure to read the Google blog post in case you are not aware of the updates.