Apple’s HomePod speakers finally getting YouTube Music support

admin23 October 2023Last Update :
Apple’s HomePod speakers finally getting YouTube Music support

Apple’s HomePod speakers finally getting YouTube Music support،

It might seem strange that HomePod owners can’t listen to their favorite tunes through YouTube Music, but Apple’s speakers don’t actually support this specific streaming service.

Luckily, that’s about to change, so if you’re a subscriber or planning to subscribe to YouTube Music, you’ll finally be able to use your subscription with Apple HomePod speakers.

Youtube Music announcement Over the weekend, it officially launched support on Apple HomePod for all Premium and Music Premium members globally, so it’s not just in the US or a select number of countries.

The streaming service hasn’t offered a timeline for the rollout, so we can probably assume that support for HomePod speakers is already available. To check if you can listen to music through Google’s streaming service, simply go to Settings / Connected apps / Connect with HomePod.

As soon as the setup is complete, say “Hey Siri, play some music on YouTube Music” to get started. Of course, you can also set YouTube Music as your default music provider to avoid saying “…on YouTube Music” every time you want to listen to your favorite music.

To do this, you will need to go to the Home app on your iOS device, then Settings/Username/Default Service and choose YouTube Music as your default music provider.

Keep in mind that you will need to update your YouTube Music app to the latest version to make it work on your HomePod speakers.