How to Delete, Deactivate, or Exit WhatsApp Community،
WhatsApp Community allows users or admins to combine multiple groups in one place, make announcements and manage them. Although creating a community may be an easy task, removing it may not be so simple. In this article we will show how to delete, deactivate or leave a WhatsApp community in a few simple steps. So, without further ado, let’s get to the topic.
How to delete or leave the WhatsApp community
Only the administrator can delete the community, but members can leave it. If you are a member of a certain community that you no longer want to be with, all you can do is leave the community without deleting it.
1. Delete WhatsApp Community (Admin Only)
Follow the steps below to delete or deactivate a WhatsApp community as an administrator.
1. Open WhatsApp and navigate to the community you want to remove or disable.
2. Press the three points at the top and select Community information.
3. Scroll down and tap Turn off the community.
4. Tap the big red Disable button at the top.
5. Press Disable again to confirm.
6. Once the community is disabled, tap the community name at the top, then tap Delete the group. Press on Delete group again to confirm.

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2. Leave the WhatsApp community (admin and member)
Follow the steps below to leave the entire WhatsApp community, including groups within that community.
1. Open WhatsApp and navigate to the community you want to leave.
2. Press the three points at the top and select Community information.
3. Scroll down and tap Leave the community.
4. Press Exit again to confirm.

Note: This will remove you from all groups in that community.
How to archive a group in the WhatsApp community
If you don't want to leave a group but also don't want to receive notifications from that group, you can archive the group instead. Follow the steps below.
1. Open WhatsApp and navigate to the community you want to edit.
2. Under “Groups you belong to” tap the group you want to archive
3. Scroll down and tap Leave the group.
4. Press Archive instead.

You can find your archived groups in the Archive on your WhatsApp homepage or in the Community tab “View archived” section.

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How to delete or leave a group in the WhatsApp community
Similar to deleting a community, only admins can delete a WhatsApp community and members can leave it if they wish. If you leave a group, only the admins will be notified, and no one else.
1. Delete a group in WhatsApp community (admin only)
Follow the steps below to remove a group from a community as an administrator.
1. Open WhatsApp and navigate to the community you want to edit.
2. Under “Groups you belong to” Tap the group you want to delete.
3. Scroll down and tap Remove from community.
4. Press Withdraw. If you also want to remove group members, check the box Remove group members box.

2. Leave a group in WhatsApp community (admin and member)
Follow the steps below to leave a group within a community without leaving the entire community.
1. Open WhatsApp and navigate to the community you want to edit.
2. Under “Groups you belong to” tap the group you want to archive
3. Scroll down and tap Leave the group.
4. Press Exit.

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What happens if I leave a WhatsApp community as an administrator?
If you leave a WhatsApp community as an administrator, another member will be promoted to administrator status. If there are already other admins in the community, this change will not affect them. However, if you were the only admin when you left, the member who joined the community after you will be promoted to the admin role.
What happens if I archive a group in the WhatsApp community?
If you archive a group in the WhatsApp community, you will no longer receive any notifications from that group. You can still view the group chat from the Archived tab or View Community Archives section.
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