You may soon be able to use your Android as a higher quality webcam

admin25 March 2024Last Update :
You may soon be able to use your Android as a higher quality webcam

You may soon be able to use your Android as a higher quality webcam،

Google launched a webcam feature for its Pixel phones last year, which debuted with Android 14 QPR1. While this is a nice feature, using it in real life on an Android device often left a lot to be desired in terms of image quality. Fortunately, Google has taken this feedback to heart and appears to be doing something about it in the next version of Android.

According to the report of Mishaal Rahman and the Android Authority, Android 15 DP2 introduces a subtle but powerful addition to the webcam interface: an “HQ” button tucked into the upper left corner of the UI. Pressing it will activate a “High Quality Mode” which prioritizes image clarity, overriding any power optimizations previously in place.

Image credit: Android Authority

This can be a game changer for users who want to use their existing hardware to capture higher quality video content. Instead of having to invest in a more expensive webcam, you will now be able to use your phone and save money. Naturally, HQ mode will impact battery life. Therefore, for extended video sessions, you may want to consider leaving it off to save power. However, based on Rahman's testing, it may be worth selectively enabling the feature during tasks like video streaming, as it produces a noticeable improvement in video quality.

Keep in mind that this feature is currently only available in the most recent Developer Preview version of Android 15. While we'd like to be sure it makes it into the final version of the OS, this wouldn't be the first time a feature appeared on an Android DP or Beta build and then disappeared. We will only know if this will become permanent once Android 15 reaches stability or if the feature is announced during Google I/O in May.

However, it's encouraging to see that Google has listened to user feedback on this matter. Hopefully, if you're looking for a sharper, more professional webcam experience right from your Android phone, Android 15HQ mode will be available and ready to ship.