Galaxy S24 Ultra users shocked to find their S Pen smells burnt and funky،
In addition to letting you write and draw on the screen, the S24 Ultra's S Pen also lets you capture screenshots, take photos, and adjust audio playback. It's not the smelliest accessory, however, as many users have discovered.
As the title suggests, the S Pen on my Galaxy s24 ultra absolutely stinks. Either I have a sensitive nose or this thing is being fried by the internal components while it's unsheathed. Please tell me I'm not crazy. ” -LatifYil
I just sniffed mine out of curiosity and yes, it's a very burnt and plastic smell together. ” – Zeehkaev
According to many Galaxy S24 Ultra For users, the phone's S Pen stinks, with some comparing the smell to burning plastic.
Does the Galaxy S24 Ultra S Pen burn to death?
@Adi0: There's nothing to worry about. When the S Pen is in its case, it is close to the phone's internal components, which will generate heat when in use and cause the plastic to heat up. It may smell burnt, but it's similar to the smell you might get after leaving your car in the sun for a few hours. The vehicle's seats and plastic trim may feel hot, but this will diminish once cooled.
The S Pen on my S23 Ultra smells like new technology with a hint of burnt.” – Riley79
all my pens stank.” – Finna_One_Tap
Plus, smell seems like new technology to some, so that's one way to look at it. If you can't stand the smell, the good news is that it goes away after the S Pen has been out of the silo for a while.