Apple thinks it would be a loss for consumers if iPhone were to resemble Android

admin22 March 2024Last Update :
Apple thinks it would be a loss for consumers if iPhone were to resemble Android

Apple thinks it would be a loss for consumers if iPhone were to resemble Android،

As if Apple hasn't had enough problems with the EU forcing it to make changes, the US now expects the same. The lawsuit, supported by 16 states and the District of Columbia, focuses on the iPhone.

The crux of the lawsuit is that Apple designed the iPhone to keep people glued to it, whether they wanted to or not. The 88-page lawsuit lists practices that make it difficult to switch from an iPhone to another device, such as:

  • Deny third-party products access to core features that give Apple an advantage, such as the payment chip for its digital wallet and Bluetooth trackers for location services
  • Easy connectivity between Apple devices such as iPhone, Apple Watch and Macs
  • Removing the cloud streaming app
  • Degrading cross-platform messaging

Critics see it as an attempt to create an uneven field and crush competition. They claim these practices have led to higher prices and less innovation on Apple's part.

Apple says its practices make the iPhone more secure than competing devices. The company believes it “distinguishes Apple products in extremely competitive markets.” The company fears that if successful, the lawsuit “would hinder our ability to create the kind of technology people expect from Apple.”

Apple also thinks the proposed changes could turn the iPhone into an Android phone, reports 9to5Mac. Apple says making the iPhone more like Android would hurt competition by reducing choices. This is the opposite of what the government wants.

The company will file a motion to dismiss the case. It will highlight the fact that competition law allows it to adopt practices that do not please its competitors, particularly those that benefit users.