When the news broke at the beginning of the year, TMobile was preparing a major overhaul of its long-running Netflix giveaway for some customers, we have to admit…we were far from shocked. Although this probably also applies to many users affected by “Un-carrier”, who likely saw the change coming a long time ago as Netflix continued to raise its prices, what followed the initial reveal has in effect surprised everyone.
Without any warning, it appears that Netflix's 'Standard with Ads' plan is being offered for free to top earners
TMobile customers have
also started restricting some content. That's right, some movies and TV shows technically available on Netflix can't actually be streamed by T-Mo subscribers even with ad support, and as crazy as that sounds, it's an intended behavior on the part of the streaming platform rather than the result of a temporary glitch or error.
Of course it's not
technicallyTMobileIt's Netflix's fault, but rather Netflix's, which doesn't stop people from
screaming in frustration at their carrier all over social media. This isn’t a new situation either…and that’s part of the problem.
T Mobile communicated to its users that their Netflix advantage was about to be “updated” last January, this “small” detail was absolutely not mentioned. This continued after the change took effect, and even now no content restrictions of any kind are mentioned or detailed.
on Magenta's “Netflix on Us” webpage.
For its part, Netflix is also
keep things terribly vague about the “lock icon” which sometimes appears in TV shows and movies that “aren't available with your current plan,” so we're afraid you'll just have to figure out for yourselves what content you can and can't watch with ads.
Before you get too angry with TMobile, it's important to remember that you pay nothing for your Netflix Standard with Ads subscription, which would otherwise cost you $6.99 per month. And if you simply can't accept these compromises, you can always upgrade to a discounted Standard or Premium ad-free streaming plan. That doesn't make everything right, but it probably makes things a little easier to digest.