How to tell whether T-Mobile’s 5G service will get faster in your area،
T Mobile subscribers, including more than 60 million, are expected to benefit from improved 5G in the coming days. The nation's second-largest wireless provider will soon begin using the 2.5 GHz mid-band spectrum it won in the FCC's Auction 108 in August 2022. T Mobile won the bid for 7,156 2.5 GHz mid-band licenses in 2,724 counties, but until recently it could not use those licenses because Congress allowed the authority to lapse FCC auction.
Unlike high-band mmWave spectrum, mid-band travels longer distances and is not as easily blocked by a tree, a building, or a very, very tall NBA player walking into the line of a signal. And while the data speeds delivered by mid-band aren't as fast as the incredibly fast mmWave, they're much faster than the speeds you get from low-band spectrum. This is why many call mid-band the Goldilocks of the 5G spectrum.

T-Mobile's coverage map can tell you if you're receiving 5G Ultra Capacity service from the wireless carrier.
You can see if your area is currently receiving T MobileThe 5G Ultra Capacity service by consulting carrier coverage map. Type in your address, tap the button and you'll see a map of your area. The map shows that in Salem, Massachusetts, T Mobile subscribers benefit from the 5G Ultra Capacity service. Carriers must conjure up a powerful wireless drink in Salem, as the area also has a strong Verizon 5G Ultra Wideband signal.
If the map shows that your area only receives T Mobile's slower 5G coverage could mean that the 600 MHz low-band spectrum in your market is about to be joined by some of the additional 2.5 GHz mid-band waves that T Mobile is rolling out in the United States, which will significantly accelerate your 5G experience. Those who live in rural areas of the United States might also see an improvement in their 5G wireless service.
If you're feeling ambitious, you can plot T MobileOokla 5G speeds by installing the Ookla Speedtest app to check your data speeds in one place multiple times a day. Make sure your phone isn't connected to a Wi-Fi signal when using the app, otherwise you'll be measuring the speed of your Wi-Fi service. I mean, that's good to know too, but the purpose here is to confirm that your 5G service T Mobile gets faster as it begins rolling out 2.5GHz licenses from Auction 108.
To install the Ookla Speedtest application on your iPhone, click on this link. To install it on your Android phone, click on this link. If you notice an upward trend in download speeds over the next week, it's probably a sign that T Mobile added more 2.5 GHz radio waves in your area.