The future is AI 6G, Samsung shows off industry-first 36GB DRAM chip

admin28 February 2024Last Update :
The future is AI 6G, Samsung shows off industry-first 36GB DRAM chip

The future is AI 6G, Samsung shows off industry-first 36GB DRAM chip،

6G is upon us, and it will be driven by AI!

Things started with 2G in 1991, followed by 3G in 2001, 4G in 2009 and 5G in 2018. The release of 6G has not yet been set, but given how quickly time passes , she 'I'll be there sooner than expected.

Experts predict that sixth generation (6G) mobile networks, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), will merge communication and computing into a seamlessly interconnected realm of digital and physical domains. Qin Fei, for example – president of the communications research institute at vivo – says: “We've talked about the Internet of Things before, but 6G presents us with an intelligent or intelligent Internet of Things.”

With improvements in data latency, security, reliability and the ability to instantly process large amounts of data around the world, Qin and other experts predict that 6G will radically change leisure and work. Vivo's vision for 6G includes pioneering applications such as mixed reality, holographic and multi-sensory communication, interactive three-dimensional digital humans, cooperative robots and autonomous driving.

Samsung is also on the AI ​​6G train, and it's not alone.

Samsung announcement that it participates in the AI-RAN (Artificial Intelligence-Radio Access Network) Alliance as a founding member, aiming to promote 6G innovation by combining AI technology and wireless communication technology.

Officially launched at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, ​​the AI-RAN Alliance is an organization aimed at revitalizing the convergence of AI and wireless communication and leading technological innovation through cooperation with related companies. A total of eleven organizations – including Samsung, Arm, Ericsson, Microsoft, Nokia, NVIDIA, SoftBank and Northeastern University – are participating as founding members. This new alliance will collaborate on the development of innovative new technologies, as well as the application of these technologies to commercial products in preparation for the next 6G era.

“Emerging services in the 6G era will revolutionize the way people interact with technology, and AI will be an integral part of this trend,” said Charlie Zhang, senior vice president of Samsung Research America. “The AI-RAN Alliance will foster collaboration, drive innovation and usher in a new era of transformation around AI and 6G networks. We believe this coalition will create new value for end users and operators through AI-driven use cases and innovations.”

Industry's first 36GB DRAM chip

For AI to work, a lot of memory is required. That's why it's no surprise that Samsung has just announced that it has developed HBM3E 12H, the industry's first 12-stack HBM3E DRAM and the highest capacity HBM product to date.

Samsung's HBM3E 12H offers unprecedented high bandwidth of up to 1,280 gigabytes per second (GB/s) and a peak capacity of 36 GB. Compared to the 8-stack HBM3 8H, both aspects have improved by more than 50%.

“Industry AI service providers are increasingly demanding HBMs with higher capacity, and our new HBM3E 12H product was designed to meet this need,” said Yongcheol Bae, Executive Vice President of memory product planning at Samsung Electronics. “This new memory solution is part of our drive to develop core technologies for high-stack HBMs and provide technology leadership for the high-stack HBM market in the AI ​​era.”