You will soon be able to easily copy and save a video frame on Android

admin27 February 2024Last Update :
You will soon be able to easily copy and save a video frame on Android

You will soon be able to easily copy and save a video frame on Android،

Taking the perfect screenshot of a video hasn't always been the easiest task on desktop or mobile. While you could still use the usual screenshot tools on either platform, it wasn't always possible to get a clean output without the player menus and controls being visible , unless you crop a significant portion of the image. Fortunately, this problem has now been somewhat resolved on desktop, and an Android solution appears to be on the way as well.

Taking a clear screenshot of a particular image on a YouTube video, for example, proved to be a challenge without resorting to third-party extensions that could take care of this task for you. Google fixed this issue on desktop via a Google Chrome update that allowed you to right-click a video and select “Save video image as…. This option would produce a clean .jpg file of the entire frame (without cropping) on ​​your desktop.

“Save video image as…” option in Google Chrome Desktop

This feature had been spotted in Canary versions of the Chrome browser since the beginning of last year by @Leopeva64 onwho regularly travels the Gerrit Chrome Deposit for new commits of upcoming features. This was released for the Chrome desktop, but there was still no way to do it on Android other than waiting for the player controls to disappear and then taking a screenshot using usual button combinations on your respective mobile device.

However, recent code updates indicate that Google will soon allow you to record video footage directly from YouTube on Android devices. This was also spotted by the same user via another commit on the Chromium Gerrit repository called “Mark video frame copy/save features as disabled on Android”, with a description clearly stating “These features are not yet implemented on Android. To be prepared for implementation, mark them as disabled until they are ready to launch.”

This indicates that plans are underway to bring this handy tool to Android, although there is no clear indication of how it will be implemented. Since YouTube has its own dedicated app on Android, I assume it will be part of the interface and added as an option in a video's settings, where you would normally choose the video's playback speed and quality . This is just a guess, as no screenshots are available yet.