Samsung skips US release for the new Galaxy Fit 3 fitness tracker

admin26 February 2024Last Update :
Samsung skips US release for the new Galaxy Fit 3 fitness tracker

Samsung skips US release for the new Galaxy Fit 3 fitness tracker،

Recently, Samsung unveiled its Galaxy Fit 3, which comes with a larger screen and new features such as fall detection and emergency SOS. At first, the company didn't reveal which markets would receive the latest fitness tracker, but it looks like one of the biggest ones isn't on the list.

As reported Android Center, Samsung has decided not to launch the Galaxy Fit 3 in the United States. This choice is based on Samsung's strategic assessment of the fitness tracker landscape and current market trends.

Samsung has determined that the market for fitness trackers in the United States is not large enough to justify the marketing, distribution and software support costs required to launch the Galaxy Fit 3. Although an official list of countries taken support has not been released, it is believed Canada and the United Kingdom will not receive the Fit 3 either.

Samsung's decision to hold back the Fit 3 can be understood by looking Canalys' report on the global wearable bracelets market. According to the independent analyst firm, sales of fitness bands totaled around 80 million in 2020, but declined to around 60 million in 2021, 40 million in 2022 and 35.8 million in 2023. This year, Total sales of fitness bands are expected to be around 33 million. million.

Jack Leathem, research analyst at Canalys, says:

The Canalys report clearly shows a steady decline in sales of fitness bracelets over the past few years, in contrast to the growth in sales of smart watches. The analyst firm forecasts a 17% increase in smartwatch sales, to 82 million units.

The Samsung Galaxy Fit 3 will be available for purchase in specific regions, including Europe, Central and South America, and Asia.