Google to add sound reactions or audiomoji to Android phone calls

admin26 February 2024Last Update :
Google to add sound reactions or audiomoji to Android phone calls

Google to add sound reactions or audiomoji to Android phone calls،

According to code discoverer AssembleDebug writing for The SpAndroid, Google is working on adding sound effects to phone calls in response to something said during a call. For example, imagine you tell your friend a corny joke in the middle of a conversation and a drum roll is heard immediately afterwards. In Google Phone Beta 124, AssembleDebug executed some files related to a Sound Reaction feature.
Google calls these sound reactions audiomojis and six of them were found in the code AssembleDebug stumbled upon. The six are:
These sound files come from who also worked with AssembleDebug to discover audiomoji. Each sound will be accompanied by an animation, although the only discovery so far is the drum roll. It's unclear whether both sides of the conversation will see the animation. As you may know from your experience, updates to the Google Phone app are quite rare and this one has the potential to bring an exciting new feature to the app.
Since audiomoji files have only just appeared in a beta version of the Phone app, Android users eager to hear audiomoji files play during a conversation might have some wait time to unless they are a beta tester of the Phone app. It's also unclear how Google will implement this feature on Android phones. Audiomoji files may appear on the caller screen while you are in the middle of a call. It could also be limited to those with the “Call Screen” feature.

Either way, we can see this going like gangbusters. Imagine having a conversation with someone you don't believe in at all and when that person goes through their “poops” trying to sell you something, you press a button on your screen to generate the “Poop” sound; you get your message across in a way that the person on the other end of the line will never forget.