“Search quality” of Bing kept Apple from buying the search engine from Microsoft in 2018

admin25 February 2024Last Update :
"Search quality" of Bing kept Apple from buying the search engine from Microsoft in 2018

“Search quality” of Bing kept Apple from buying the search engine from Microsoft in 2018،

As we said, Google obviously had a keen interest in following the discussions between Apple and Microsoft. In the court filing, Google wrote: “In each case, Apple carefully considered the relative quality of Bing compared to Google and concluded that Google was the superior default choice for its Safari users. It's competition. ” By CounterStatisticsBing has a relatively paltry 3.4% market share in search, compared to Google's 91.5% share of the global search engine pie.

The court filing captures an assessment of Bing by Apple's senior vice president of services, Eddy Cue. The latter said: “The quality of Microsoft research, their investment in research, everything was not significant at all. And so everything was inferior. So the quality of the research itself was not as good. They weren't investing at a level comparable to Google or what Microsoft could invest in. And their advertising organization and their way of monetizing was not very good either.

Apple CEO Tim Cook also weighed in, giving his thoughts on Bing to other Apple executives in an email. But for now, we don't know what Cook thought of Bing because his comments were redacted in the filing. Given that Apple never purchased Bing or made it the default search engine for Safari, Cook's opinion on Bing might have been close to Eddy Cue's comments.

On the stand, Cue said that “if Apple had not received the massive payments it was demanding from Google, Apple would have developed its own search engine.” Some analysts believe that Apple will eventually launch its own search engine.