Google pauses Gemini’s AI image generation of people after inaccuracy backlash

admin22 February 2024Last Update :
Google pauses Gemini's AI image generation of people after inaccuracy backlash

Google pauses Gemini’s AI image generation of people after inaccuracy backlash،

Google's Gemini AI chatbot has temporarily suspended its ability to generate images of people. The move follows backlash regarding AI's tendency to skew the generation of images of people toward darker skin tones, particularly when relating to historical context.

Initially realizing that the issue was more impactful than initially thought, Google promised to resolve the issues via a social media post. However, the situation appears to have gotten worse, leading to a temporary but complete shutdown of this particular feature on The Gemini website.

Since Gemini is now no longer able to generate images that include people, the chatbot instead, when prompted, displays a placeholder message stating: “We are working to improve Gemini's capability to generate images of people. We hope this feature returns soon and will let you know in updates when it does.” This message was also shared by Google in the above social media post, promising that a fixed version would be available soon.

Current error message from Gemini when trying to generate an image that includes a human

The problem of less diverse results in AI image generation is not unique to Gemini. Existing AI models also struggle with this problem, and Google's efforts have probably focused too much on solving this known challenge, but have unfortunately moved past it. Although well-intentioned, the results misrepresent the story, which can be very concerning given that these tools are used daily for research.

Until Google gives an update on this issue via its Gemini updates hub, users needing AI-generated images involving humans will have to rely on alternative platforms.