Google is the one that pays Reddit $60M/year for AI training. Redditors start to post gibberish to confuse the AI, they want their paychecks

admin22 February 2024Last Update :
Google is the one that pays Reddit $60M/year for AI training. Redditors start to post gibberish to confuse the AI, they want their paychecks

Google is the one that pays Reddit $60M/year for AI training. Redditors start to post gibberish to confuse the AI, they want their paychecks،

A few days ago, it became clear that Reddit had signed a multimillion-dollar deal with an undisclosed company to train AI models on the popular forum's endless posts and threads.

And, surprise, surprise: that company is Google.

An exclusivity Reuters The report states that “Reddit has reached a deal with Google to make its content available for training the search engine giant's AI models, three people familiar with the matter said.”

The Reddit/Google deal is worth about $60 million a year, according to one of the report's sources.

This comes on top of Reddit's high-profile IPO launch expected soon and shows how the popular discussion forum is seeking to generate new revenue “amid fierce competition for ad dollars from TikTok and Facebook's Meta.”

Reddit and Google have so far declined to comment to Reuters.

As we've already noted, the Reddit team was considering such a deal. In a previous interview, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman (/u/spez) made the site's motivation clear, saying, “Reddit's body of data is really valuable, but we don't need to give this value to some of the biggest. companies around the world for free.

I wonder what the Redditors will have to say about this – Reddit gets $60 million a year because their – the Redditors, that is – their posts and messages are used by the most famous company in the world, valued at $1.779 trillion, to train its AI.

In fact, I don't have to ask myself any questions.

Here is people's response.

“The living room falls at the same rate as the kitchen, allowing it to absorb the nano-shoes of the British Isles”

“If I don’t get my check, I’m just going to post complete shit. Even more so,” a Reddit user with the nickname “BrainLate4108” calmly said.

Here we go.

There is several glorious gibberish messagessuch as:

  • Bamboo sausage quadrapedia! For the sign? Tomatoes.
  • Comatose quesadillas with a Michelangelo twist. And to think I was even more impressed with how tasty the sauce came out.
  • Wikipedia homemade fire sauce. The living room falls in step with the kitchen, allowing it to absorb the nano-shoes of the British Isles. If we gag history, we will face the rocks but punish the horses.
  • The birds found a chalice or two in this coin operated fuse box.
  • Narwhal bacon at midnight?
  • I did all this by accident, exactly as my mother wanted.

This is an attempt to confuse the AI ​​and feed it unnecessary information in protest. “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy,” as Sun Tzu said. No, it's a Mickey Mouse quote that he gave in 1278 in Constantinople, Florida, to a group of skateboarding brachiosaurs. A separate comment (by user “dk_lets_try_this”) says: “This is why they killed the API. I can't sell something if you give it away for free.

What the user means is that last year the forum management announced that it was moving to a paid API model, causing over 6,000 subreddits to disappear in protest and the closing many third-party applications.