WhatsApp test new screenshot blocking feature to protect users’ profile photos

admin22 February 2024Last Update :
WhatsApp test new screenshot blocking feature to protect users' profile photos

WhatsApp test new screenshot blocking feature to protect users’ profile photos،

WhatsApp, the popular global messaging app, is taking your privacy seriously with a new feature currently in beta testing. This update aims to prevent unauthorized contacts from taking screenshots of your profile picture. If this feature rolls out widely, it will be a big win for users who want more control over how their image is shared online.

According to WABetaInfo, the new screenshot blocking feature is currently available to select beta testers on version of the Android app and will roll out more widely in the coming weeks. With the implemented changes, when someone attempts to capture a contact's profile picture, a black screen will appear with a notification saying: “Unable to take a screenshot due to app restrictions. “

Image credit: WABetaInfo

This update builds on a change WhatsApp implemented five years ago. The goal was to prevent unauthorized image uploads by removing the ability to directly save other users' profile photos. Although well-intentioned, this didn't stop people from simply screenshotting profile photos, which still provided them with a way to save the image on their devices. WhatsApp's new screenshot blocking feature directly addresses this problem.

It is worth mentioning that determined users can still capture a profile photo using a secondary device. However, this new feature makes it much more difficult to casually share profile photos, protecting users' privacy.

Additionally, as this feature is currently only available in beta and it may take some time to reach all users, it is important to know that there are other options available today to protect your privacy within the application. Currently, you can take small steps, such as changing the privacy settings of your profile picture so that it can only be seen by the person you choose. While this is also not foolproof, it is another way to discourage bad actors from violating your privacy and using your image for unauthorized purposes.