Google halts downloads of Android 15 DP1 OTA due to image corruption

admin20 February 2024Last Update :
Google halts downloads of Android 15 DP1 OTA due to image corruption

Google halts downloads of Android 15 DP1 OTA due to image corruption،

Google recently announced the rollout of Android 15 Developer Preview 1 (DP1), giving developers a taste of the features to come. However, the initial deployment encountered an unexpected issue with the over-the-air (OTA) image, forcing all further downloads to be paused for now.

As reported Android AuthorityGoogle has published a notice on the Android Developer Website announcing the problem. The reason for this abrupt pause happens to be a known issue that occurs when sideloading OTA images. In some cases, sideloading the DP1 version triggers a problematic “The device is corrupted” message. The warning states:
“An issue with sideloading Developer Preview 1 can sometimes cause the device to display a “Device is corrupted” message after sideloading is complete. Due to the potential disruption this issue may cause, we have temporarily disabled OTA image downloads until “We can further resolve the issue. To work around this issue, we recommend developers flash a factory image to test devices. “

Source: Android Developers

Although this is an unwanted obstacle, there is a way around the problem. Instead of sideloading images OTA, Google recommends developers interested in testing Android 15 DP1 chooses to flash a factory image on the devices of its choice. It is worth repeating that this release is not intended for regular daily driver use, but rather for application developers to test their applications. Currently, there is no indication from Google as to when the issue will be resolved and downloads will resume. This news mainly affects developers since it's an early release, and probably not that much since developers would probably end up flashing their devices anyway.

However, the concern for the rest of us is simply how this will affect the timing of the rest of the Android 15 releases. Will this cause later beta and stable release dates to be postponed? Only time will tell. For now, we just hope that Google can fix the current OTA build and ensure that the issue doesn't carry over to future releases.