Many complain about Galaxy S24 bugs and issues. Is all of this a reason to skip the S24 and wait for a Galaxy S25?

admin16 February 2024Last Update :
Many complain about Galaxy S24 bugs and issues. Is all of this a reason to skip the S24 and wait for a Galaxy S25?

Many complain about Galaxy S24 bugs and issues. Is all of this a reason to skip the S24 and wait for a Galaxy S25?،

Amidst the excitement and frenzy that accompanied the release of the Galaxy S24 series, we've had numerous reports of… well, some bugs and issues. We've been hearing about issues affecting Samsung's new flagship phones for weeks now, and news that's spreading like wildfire.

Of course, any normal buyer will raise an eyebrow at that. I mean, the whole internet is talking about broken screens (and weird phenomena happening on them), tweets from the S24 buggy camera app are trending… Obviously, I might be exaggerating but y'all See what I mean.

A lot of people are talking about bugs on the new flagship beasts. So it's understandable if you're wondering if it's worth spending your hard-earned money to buy one.

Let's talk about it!

Galaxy S24 issues; or what the internet is talking about lately

The most recent report of a problem with the Galaxy S24's screen caused our own Adrian to ask the question “How many problems is too many?”… a good question that requires careful consideration. So let's first see what the relationships are. The most recent concerns a phenomenon called “mura” (which Adrian creatively calls “grainygate”) and refers to a display issue observed on some of the Galaxy S24 units. The problem is present in low light, and for some people, phones have great difficulty displaying clear and uniform images on a gray or dark background. The screen, according to some affected users, has a grainy quality or grainy texture. This is mainly visible, it seems, above darker colors.

iPhones aren't perfect either (what a surprise, right?)

But with all the excitement around new devices, it surely seems that only Galaxies are the problem children. But that’s not the case at all! I mean, most teenagers don't listen to their parents, it's not just yours.

But back to phones. Let's talk about the iPhone 15 first. When the series was released, users were experiencing issues with some phones. Of course, not everyone talked about it and Apple was quick to stifle any criticism, but problems were present nonetheless.

Just a few days after the iPhone15 When the phones came out in September, people complained that their new iPhones were getting too hot (to the point of being uncomfortable to hold).

We've heard about iPhones freezing during installation (affected users were stuck staring at an apple without being able to bite it for what seemed like forever), and we've also seen reports from the agency. And even frames that attracted fingerprints (not really a bug, but it was a complaint that some had with the new iPhone and its titanium frame).

Even new iPhones fall before they learn to walk. But enough of the analogies. What I'm saying is that although Apple prides itself on quality, it couldn't escape the “new phone bug” situation.

Some Pixels are also known to misbehave

Poor battery life. Poor cellular reception/call connectivity. Slow and unresponsive touchscreen. Overheating problems. All these complaints have been piling up on the internet about Google's current flagship phones: the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro.

But that's not all! A buggy camera app and even bumps under the screen were also observed by Pixel 8 buyers shortly after the two Google champions entered the arena.

And now ? To buy or not to buy (the great Shakespearean question)

These examples are just a few that I brought up to illustrate that Galaxies aren't the only phones plagued by bugs and unresolved issues before their official release to the public. Many other phone brands are facing the same issues, as are the big players in the industry.

But what does all this mean? Does this mean you need to cancel your Galaxy S24 plans and wait for Samsung to fix All? Or does this mean you should abandon the S24 altogether in the hope that the S25 won't bring its own problems?

As you can probably tell by now, that's not really what I would advise you to do. Any newly released phone may experience problems. So what to do? Let's discuss it briefly.

So what are your options with the S24?

  • Wait a few months for Samsung to fix the first bugs
  • Buy now and return if defective (check return policies before purchasing to make sure you're covered!)

One option is to wait a few months until Samsung fixes the bugs in early versions. This will reduce the chance of you getting a faulty device overall and will give Samsung time to respond to issues raised by early buyers.

What about the offers currently available in this case? The fact is that while the Galaxy S24 phones are still hot (meaning they don't have a successor yet), you'll probably be able to get a really good deal on one. Carriers will likely offer the same discounts (more or less) until the S25 is released. We also have sales events like Prime Day and Black Friday where you'll probably get some great deals on an S24 as well.

The other option is for those of you who really can't wait. The hospitalized and the enthusiasts among you. If you're thinking about buying a Galaxy right now, let me tell you this. First of all, not all users are affected by the aforementioned bugs. Second, if you receive a buggy phone, you have the option of returning it (to the carrier or retailer you purchased it from). Also be sure to check the returns policy carefully before purchasing, just to be sure you're covered.

It's more likely than not that you'll end up with a Galaxy S24 It works very well. If you notice any strange behavior, just return it (you'll probably get a replacement if it's a hardware problem). For software issues, Samsung will release fixes sooner or later. But, like I said, chances are you won't end up with a buggy device anyway.

Of course, it is important to weigh the pros and cons before making the decision whether or not to buy. You are the person who will ultimately give up your hard-earned money for a Galaxy, and I can't push you to do it or not to do it. What I'm simply saying is that the situation we are currently seeing with all the bugs is not new, and it is happening with almost all new phone releases.