Apple readies AI tool to help you code iOS apps, while Google presents turbocharged Gemini 1.5

admin16 February 2024Last Update :
Apple readies AI tool to help you code iOS apps, while Google presents turbocharged Gemini 1.5

Apple readies AI tool to help you code iOS apps, while Google presents turbocharged Gemini 1.5،

Welcome to today's obligatory, inevitable and unavoidable two-minute AI. Just kidding: this is far from the last you'll hear about AI today (or any day in the near future).

Apple, which is far behind the rest of the group in the AI ​​race, is reportedly close to introducing an artificial intelligence tool designed to help software development by automatically completing lines of code, similar to Apple's Copilot. Microsoft (via Reuters).

This feature is expected to be integrated into Apple's Xcode development software, perhaps within a year. Xcode is Apple's IDE (Integrated Development Environment), designed to create software on Mac for various Apple platforms, including iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.

While Xcode is provided free to developers, Apple imposes a $99 annual fee for submitting apps to its app stores. Additionally, Apple is exploring other AI integrations, including automated creation of Apple Music playlists and professional presentation slideshows, as well as an enhanced “Spotlight” search feature that can interact more deeply with apps .

And Google?

Meanwhile, Google isn't giving up on its plans to eclipse ChatGPT as the go-to AI solution. The search engine giant has just presented Gemini 1.5 Pro which would be so much more powerful than the Gemini 1.0 Pro. The Gemini Pro is Google's general-purpose AI model (via The edge) and the new version 1.5 beat Gemini 1.0 Pro on “87% of benchmark tests”.

By the way: Sam Altman's prodigy platform does not remain inactive. OpenAI is looking for ways to pull the plug on Google and occupy its search engine throne, as we reported just a few hours ago.

Back to the new Gemini 1.5 Pro: What Google CEO Sundar Pichai and the rest of the team were extremely excited about was the updated model's “huge pop-up window.” This means that the Gemini 1.5 Pro can handle “much larger queries”, meaning it can check a lot more information at once.

This window represents a whopping one million tokens, compared to 128,000 for OpenAI's GPT-4 and 32,000 for the current Gemini Pro,” reads the report, which goes on to specify that one million tokens equals “about 10 or 11 hours of video, tens of thousands of lines of code”, like Sundar Pichai explain. The pop-up means you can query the AI ​​bot about all of this content at once.

The Google CEO has another idea for the new model (it's now available to developers and pro users before a full consumer rollout) and imagines movie directors and producers being able to upload their entire movie and ask Gemini what the critics might say; he sees companies using Gemini to review masses of financial records. “I consider this one of the biggest advances we’ve made,” he says.

We could feed the Gemini 1.5 Pro model news from the last 10 years and see if things really started to deteriorate after the killing of the Harambe gorilla in May 2016. It will be an interesting analysis!