Smart glasses will help you hear, not see. But will you trust your AI eyewear with your ears?

admin15 February 2024Last Update :
Smart glasses will help you hear, not see. But will you trust your AI eyewear with your ears?

Smart glasses will help you hear, not see. But will you trust your AI eyewear with your ears?،

“I don’t know what this thing in front of me is, but I’m going to look it up!”

The next time you find yourself in front of the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, you might say what (more than) most people say when they set eyes on the building:

“It’s really weird.”

Or, you could say something else. Something like:

Good, huh? And you don't have to take architecture classes.

You just need your (smart) glasses.

By the way, here is the aforementioned Walt Disney Concert Hall:

Why glasses?

I don't know how much you follow the tech world, but you may have missed the recent shift from “IoT” to “AIoT.”

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of physical objects – “things” – that are integrated with sensors, software and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems via the Internet. These devices range from ordinary household items to sophisticated industrial tools. A good example of IoT are devices such as smart thermostats, security cameras and lighting systems that can be automated or controlled remotely.

AIoT is where AI comes into play, potentially elevating IoT to previously unthinkable levels of productivity and diverse applications.

As for why we're dealing with glasses, well, it's because Apple released the $3,499 Vision Pro headset. Yes, those recent TikTok and YouTube videos of people walking (driving, dining, lounging) with high-tech scuba diving masks on their faces that you've been watching all feature the VisionPro. Yes, smart glasses existed years before VisionPro was even announced, but in this case, I believe that this chicken arrived before the egg precisely because we all know that the egg was going to arrive and that it was going to smell like apples.

This good old apple. Nothing generates as much hype as a new Apple product. And this time, Apple has launched a whole new product category. Before we proceed with the lynching, let me assure you that I am aware of the VisionPro The headset cannot be defined as “smart glasses” and it is a space computer.

But there is a proverb: in a fire, green wood and dry wood burn.

Like $3,499 could being too much for too many people, it's only natural to see the state of $300-$400 smart technology that we can put extremely close to our eyes. Enter smart glasses – lightweight, affordable and full of compromises!

And no, we don't take VR headsets into account. These wannabe Mandalorian headsets hang on your console or computer and are more of a houseplant than smart glasses – talk about something you can take out into the world. That’s if you go out regularly. If not, don't worry, there are plenty of smart glass applications for indoor use.

What are they doing?

We can't talk about smart glasses without starting with the Ray-Ban/Meta collaboration. The Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses, formerly known as Ray-Ban Stories, received a major upgrade in fall 2023, incorporating a Qualcomm Snapdragon AR1 Gen1 processor, better 12 MP cameras, better audio, live streaming options on Facebook and Instagram. , and Meta AI. Recently, a version 2 update brought picture quality improvements, global volume control, and security improvements.

Better image quality and greater stability are always welcome, but what's really interesting about the Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses is of course the Meta AI.

Saying “Hey Meta, look at this” to your glasses invokes Zuck's AI powers: the cameras become the AI's eyes. Once the AI ​​model analyzes the image of whatever is in front of you – a shovel, if you're in the countryside – the smart device on your face might say something like: “Here's a shovel – a tool used for digging. , lifting and moving bulk materials, such as earth, coal, gravel, snow, sand or ore.” If you can fool your AI into thinking it's a Scorsese character, you might get a somewhat different definition of a shovel and its use.

Or, smart glasses could help you outshine your architect friends when visiting Barcelona and inspecting Gaudi's Sagrada Familia, as suggested at the start.

The thing is, Meta hasn't rolled out the “Watch This” feature to everyone yet – a limited number of users are getting it, testing it, and reporting what happens. Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses are what the discontinued Google Glass dreamed of becoming.

Speaking of Google Glass, let's remember why this legendary device was abandoned: it was hit by a wave of criticism and it couldn't resist. Privacy advocates feared that people wearing Google Glass could identify strangers in public using facial recognition, or secretly record and broadcast private conversations. On top of that, cybercrime experts from the University of Massachusetts said they found a way to steal passwords from smartphones and tablets using Google Glass with software that uses Google Glass to track finger shadows when someone types their password.

But back to smart glasses: there are many other examples: the RayNeo X2 Lite and RayNeo X2, the upcoming Frame from Brilliant Labs, the Solos AirGo 3, etc.

Smart glasses can be thought of as an AI assistant, but faster in some real-world situations. Why bother taking out your pocket, taking out your smartphone (don't drop it on the concrete), unlocking it, accessing Google Lens, taking a photo of whatever interests you, waiting for the phone does its magic, then use your eyes to read the search results.

Instead, smart glasses will do all of this for you faster, easier, and potentially better. For now, they are far from perfect and need a lot more refinement, but that will happen soon.

Of course, smart glasses have great potential to help visually impaired people, but that's not the point of this article.

Search for Search (this is how we created Circle to Search)

Let’s return to the realm of smartphones for a change. You can't have missed the unveiling of the Galaxy AI alongside the announcement of the Galaxy S24. During the Galaxy Unpacked event, Samsung placed a lot of emphasis on Galaxy AI and the Circle to Search feature. In short, this allows you to activate a Google search for the elements you see on your screen. If you're watching a YouTube video about poisonous plants and come across one you don't know, you can circle it and get instant results on your chosen item.

Living in an age with unprecedented levels of access to knowledge, wisdom, information, data and content (TikTok videos sum it all up). We want more, much more. We want to know everything now.

It's easy to understand why companies are obsessed with developing and selling tools that quench our thirst for information, content and data. Or, if you're considering another type of explanation, you simply need to ask yourself who gets to decide what information your AI assistant gives you. “Grima Wormtongue” – that’s the result my intelligent assistant gave me when I asked “What was the name of that crook from Lord of the Rings who was advising King Théoden?” Oh the irony…

Either way, the thirst for information is real. So the glasses become intelligent and they will talk to us. Are we going to listen?

For the finals

It's a bit ironic, but the more we use our eyes to see (with smart glasses), the more we should use our ears. Next time, you know, we'll have to use our brains even more. Wait, wasn't the idea of ​​smart wearable devices to make us think less?

All joking aside, I have a hard time imagining that the smart glass craze that's about to grow in the next few years doesn't manifest itself in all sorts of ugly scenarios. Not even to mention the privacy nightmare when everyone starts wearing smart glasses equipped with POV cameras.

Yes, it is hypocritical to completely dismiss this technology, because, after all, for thousands of years we have looked to external sources – whether books, movies or people – for information. additional knowledge and facts.

I just don't know if these AI assistants will be objective if that's even possible, but only time will tell.

But I'm looking forward to these POV videos of people saying/doing stupid things. I even hear their excuses: “My AI smart glasses told me!” »

I can not wait.