For the first time, more Galaxy S24 buyers gave their phone a 5-star rating than iPhone 15 buyers

admin13 February 2024Last Update :
For the first time, more Galaxy S24 buyers gave their phone a 5-star rating than iPhone 15 buyers

For the first time, more Galaxy S24 buyers gave their phone a 5-star rating than iPhone 15 buyers،

According to Perfect recording (via CNET), early customer reviews for the recently launched flagship Galaxy S24 series have been exceptional, with high levels of customer satisfaction. The reviews are so good that, for the first time, satisfaction ratings for the latest Galaxy S models exceed those for the most recent iPhone series. Customer reviews show that 91% give the Galaxy S24 five-star base model. The Galaxy S24 Plus received five stars from 84% of customers, and 88% gave the Galaxy S24 Ultra the highest rating.

PerfectRec discovered something interesting. They believe that early customer reviews of the iPhone are more negative than those left later by those who purchased one of the newer iPhone models. Indeed, the early adopters who buy the newest iPhone models so quickly are often phone enthusiasts who know more about phones than the average person. As a result, these first-time buyers might not be impressed by incremental improvements.

The product recommendation site says this may be a “phenomenon” only seen with Apple products and that early Galaxy S users are not reacting the same way as early iPhone buyers . Even though there are already a large number of reviews published on the Galaxy S24 series, PerfectRec says it is possible that the satisfaction rates for the Galaxy S24 the series will change over time.

Over the years, there has been a big improvement in the percentage of Galaxy S base models and Galaxy S Ultra models that have rated devices five stars. For example, only 68% of Galaxy S20 reviews gave the phone a five-star rating, while 72% of Galaxy S20 Ultra reviews gave a five-star rating. As recently as 2022, the numbers for the Galaxy S22 and Galaxy S22% were 61% and 74%, respectively.

Last year saw a nice progression as 75% of Galaxy S23 reviews gave the phone five stars, while that figure for the Galaxy S23 Ultra was 82%. And I repeat, this figure for the Galaxy S24 climbed 16 percentage points to 91% and reached 88% for the Galaxy S24 Ultra.
It was also a clean slate for the Galaxy S24 series against the iPhone 15 range. The number of iPhone15 Customer reviews giving the phone a five-star rating were 76%, compared to 91% achieved by the Galaxy S24. This figure was 77% for the iPhone 15 Plus compared to 84% for the Galaxy S24+. The iPhone 15 Pro Max received five stars in 74% of customer reviews, compared to 88% for the Galaxy S24 Ultra.

PerfecrRec says that if the Galaxy S24 the numbers change significantly throughout the year, he will update the numbers and we, in turn, will keep you informed.