Having a conversation with your AI phone: Why this is the future, and just plain exciting

admin13 February 2024Last Update :
Having a conversation with your AI phone: Why this is the future, and just plain exciting

Having a conversation with your AI phone: Why this is the future, and just plain exciting،

Cell phones have been around for several decades now. We've gone from using number pads, via physical keyboards, to now touchscreen keyboards, but the bottom line is that we've always written text in these little bricks, using our fingers.

Any futurist will tell you that writing text to communicate online can be considered archaic. In today's fast-paced world, this is simply not optimal.

You may have heard about the development of brain-implanted devices that supposedly allow people to communicate instantly, essentially by reading minds, but let's be real: this is a pretty scary and far-off thing.

However, right now, what we can do is make the most of the generative AI (artificial intelligence) that is becoming more and more prevalent in our lives.

Want to Google something? Check something? Why spend precious seconds typing a question, then scouring different websites, in order to find what you're looking for from a reasonably reliable source, when you can ask an AI a question and get an instant, concise answer?

Well, the truth is that, like humans, AI can provide wrong answers, biased answers, or simply not understand you at all. AI is not necessarily a reliable source, especially when it comes to complex and large queries, such as medical research.

However, AI is useful for casual conversations about universal curiosities.

So here's the deal: I gave my phone the ability to do a smart conversion with me, and so can you. Let's talk about the experience and how you can do the same thing with any smartphone…

Let's make a deeply meaningful conversion about life, with a smartphone

Well, that makes sense to us – at least to humans.

You have heard about ChatGPT – the world's most popular generative AI, also free and used by many people for all kinds of purposes.

Whether it's having the aforementioned casual conversation with you about random curiosities, helping you code your next video game, if you're a developer, or offering funny birthday wishes, if you're hosting a party… ChatGPT and AIs love it. , can help us significantly in just about everything.

The ChatGPT mobile app recently received an update that allows it to not only understand and respond to your text messages, but also have a natural voice conversation with you. You say something – he responds, you continue the conversation, he does the same thing, etc.

I've had days where ChatGPT's “voice chats” feature was on for 30 minutes; With my phone nearby, I would just chat with him about random, interesting topics that came to mind – how the pyramids were built, what might be in space, etc.

And I realized something – this is almost certainly what the Internet will look like in the future – no more Googling, no typing at all, just natural conversations with AI.

Talking about that…

Theorizing with AI about Apple Vision Pro, the AI-powered space computing devices of the near future

I had a quick chat with ChatGPT regarding Apple Vision Pro and whether spatial computing devices like this (also known as AR/VR headsets, but Apple likes to call its products differential and fancy names ) will replace our phones. .

While ChatGPT claimed it was unaware of the Apple VisionPro However, he still knew it was an augmented reality device, so that's interesting. Anyway, here's how the conversation went:

Do you think that the Apple VisionPro will it replace smartphones one day?
ChatGPT: “It's hard to say for sure, but it's possible that technologies like Apple VisionPro could change the way we interact with devices. However, completely replacing smartphones could prove difficult. Smartphones serve many functions beyond simple visual interactions, such as communication, gaming and productivity. So while new technologies may complement or improve smartphones, they are unlikely to completely replace them anytime soon. »And in 10 or 20 years?
ChatGPT: “Predicting technology trends over such a distant horizon is challenging, but it is conceivable that advances in augmented reality (AR) or other visual interfaces could significantly change the way we use devices. However, their ability to fully replace smartphones depends on their effectiveness. they can perform all the functions that smartphones currently perform, such as communication, accessibility and versatility. It's an interesting possibility, but only time will tell how the technology evolves.

Is there anything you would like to say to tech fans around the world?
ChatGPT: “To all technology enthusiasts, keep exploring, innovating, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible! Your passion drives progress and shapes the future of technology. Stay curious, stay inspired, and keep giving back the world a more connected and exciting place thanks to your love of technology!”

To summarize, ChatGPT expresses disbelief that space computing devices, such as the Apple VisionPro, will soon replace our phones. However, it is important to note that “in the near future” does not mean “never.”

I particularly like his message to the tech community; let's see this again:

“Your passion drives progress and shapes the future of technology. Stay curious, stay inspired, and continue to make the world a more connected and exciting place with your love of technology!”

Indeed, tech fans like you, passionate about smartphones and other smart devices, are what drives innovation. Keep being you! It is our love for technology, as consumers, that shapes it. Clearly expressing the things you like or don't like is important.

Will no one feel more alone because we are even less physically present with each other?

There is an inevitable stream of worried thoughts that flood my mind when the AI, especially when naturally conversing with it, is the subject of conversation.

Instead of just abandoning my pesky human biases on the question, I decided to ask the AI ​​itself again, and here's how it went:

Do you think the advent of conversational AIs like yours will ultimately disconnect humans even more from each other?
ChatGPT: “The impact of conversational AI on human interaction is a complex subject. While it's true that technology can sometimes create barriers to human connection, it also has the potential to improve communication and facilitate connections in new ways.

Conversational AIs like me can provide convenience and assistance, but they shouldn't replace real human interaction. Instead, they can complement human relationships by providing support, information, and even companionship in certain contexts.

Ultimately, how technology affects human connection depends on how we choose to use it. By being aware of the role technology plays in our lives and making conscious efforts to prioritize genuine human connection, we can ensure technology enhances our relationships instead of harming them. »

As usual, we get a perfectly worded and reasonably nuanced response from ChatGPT, with which I agree.

Ultimately, it's amazing, but we shouldn't let this get out of control, on an individual level.

As ChatGPT itself says, and perfectly well:

“Conversational AIs like me can provide convenience and assistance, but they should not replace real human interaction.”

In addition to this, I would like to repeat what I said earlier: AIs should not replace important research you might be conducting (e.g. medical in nature), as AIs can be very unreliable, but compelling , when to provide answers.

Although I have a great time occasionally turning on ChatGPT's conversational feature and talking with her about my scientific curiosities, and so do you, human interactions cannot be replaced and we should never attempt them.

And also, as friendly AI said earlier: keep driving progress and shaping the future of technology, tech fans!