Some OnePlus 12R units have slower storage speeds than originally advertised, company admits

admin12 February 2024Last Update :
Some OnePlus 12R units have slower storage speeds than originally advertised, company admits

Some OnePlus 12R units have slower storage speeds than originally advertised, company admits،

At its launch, the OnePlus 12R was touted as one of the top potential contenders in the mid-range phone market in 2024. While this may still be true, a new fact has emerged that could endanger the reputation of this model: an error causing confusion regarding the storage speed of the device.

OnePlus initially announced that the 256GB configuration of the OnePlus 12R would include UFS 4.0 storage instead of the older and slower UFS 3.1. This is exactly what Android Authority I noticed that the now archived product listing page said, a page that has since been updated to indicate that UFS 3.1 is actually the default for all storage options.
Naturally, this post sparked a frenzy of complaints and kudos from customers who felt cheated by the bait-and-switch of the device's specs, or who consider the company's open admission compensates for the error. However, as some have said, even though the difference between UFS 4.0 and UFS 3.1 may not be noticed by the average user, it is not acceptable to make such a mistake as it amounts to misleading customers who have Ordered a higher variant thinking they were getting better specs.

That said, the company appears to be offering a way to right this wrong. Although no details were given on the exact plan, Liu asked the community to be patient in finding a solution and requested a few more days (specifically until February 15, 2024) before flooding the helplines.

Source: OnePlus Community

This is definitely an uncomfortable situation for both the company and the customers. On the one hand, OnePlus has come forward to shed light on the error that occurred, which deserves some credit. On the other hand, it's a tough pill to swallow if you've made a purchasing decision based on incorrect information.

It's still unclear which route OnePlus will take when it comes to existing OnePlus 12R orders: will the company refund affected customers or add an accessory to make up the difference? We'll stay tuned to future announcements from the company to find out.