Wi-Fi issue not fixed in iOS 17.1 is frustrating iPhone 15 series owners

admin18 October 2023Last Update :
Wi-Fi issue not fixed in iOS 17.1 is frustrating iPhone 15 series owners

Wi-Fi issue not fixed in iOS 17.1 is frustrating iPhone 15 series owners،

Nearly two weeks ago, we told you about an issue some iPhone 15 series users were experiencing with their Wi-Fi connections. Some reported that content wasn’t loading on their phone when they were connected to Wi-Fi and others said that while they were able to load content, everything happened at an extremely slow pace. Now that the final beta of iOS 17.1 has been released and no Wi-Fi fixes are listed, some iPhone 15 series users seem frustrated when writing about the situation. on the Apple Communities website.
You can almost feel a tangible sense of frustration coming through in this post from subscriber “TG2557” who said: “Very disappointing that this wasn’t fixed with 17.1. I gave my iPhone 13 Pro to a family. member, so no option to revert to that. I’m traveling during the winter and will be on the road for 6 months and changing/modifying a router in an Airbnb is not an option – I’m very worried about not being able to use my brand new phone when I’m in shift.
The message continues: “As it stands, I feel like my phone is useless when I’m at home. I have to go get my laptop or iPad to just check the weather or my e- emails. I’ve never been tempted to move away from the iPhone, but knowing that this hasn’t been fixed with version 17.1 makes me beyond frustrated.”

While another community member called it a “first world problem,” he said Wi-Fi connectivity was “mission critical” for a phone in 2023. Another post from “AliAmer1 » said: “I have the same problem (15 pro). I tried all the solutions mentioned here and none of them worked. Turning off the 2.4G band gave me a good 30 minutes of wifi and then it kept disconnecting. I think I need to upgrade your router just because your phone is new. “This is ridiculous. I hope this can be fixed via an update.”

It’s unclear if Apple is officially aware of the issue and the company has made no comment on the Wi-Fi issues as of this writing. Since it seems that Apple is not including an update to fix the iPhone15 Wi-Fi problem in iOS 17.1, this may be the case by releasing iOS 17.1.1. With 19 pages of complaints on the community site, it appears this is a widespread problem that Apple needs to address now.