Samsung might be cooking up a significant battery upgrade for the still-distant Galaxy Z Flip 6

admin30 January 2024Last Update :
Samsung might be cooking up a significant battery upgrade for the still-distant Galaxy Z Flip 6

Samsung might be cooking up a significant battery upgrade for the still-distant Galaxy Z Flip 6،

Are you about to get tired of thinking, talking or hearing about Already own the Galaxy S24 series and want to start focusing on Samsung's “next big things” instead? While it's probably (much) too early to have any guarantees related to the S25, it's certainly not premature to address some of the issues. potential upgrades and improvements to the The Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Z Fold 6 are expected to release at some point during the summer.

That might not be the case if you live in Chicago, Boston, or even Washington DC, but summer isn't that far on the horizon, which means the world's second-largest smartphone vendor is very likely close to finalizing designs and specifications for its next-generation foldable powerhouses.
Of course, some details might change within a few months, but while Samsung is currently testing a 4,000mAh battery capacity for the Z Flip 6as the generally reliable people of Galaxy Club in the Netherlands He says there is certainly a good chance that this number will materialize commercially in July or August.

How important is this matter?

In short, there's no way to know the exact answer to this question…yet. But we can certainly hazard a few guesses based primarily on the advertised (i.e. typical) 3,700mAh cell size of last year's model. Galaxy Z Flip 5. If the aforementioned upgrade to a 4,000 mAh battery on the Galaxy Z Flip 6 If that happens, that would theoretically be a jump of about 8 percent, which could result in an actual endurance improvement of 8 percent… or more… or less.

In fact, the battery life of a smartphone between two charges is real Users depend on a number of different factors, ranging from battery size to processor frugality and various software optimizations. That being said, it is always It's a good idea for a phone manufacturer to start by increasing cell capacity when aiming to improve uptime in most real-world scenarios.

In other words, it is undoubtedly a good sign for people dissatisfied with the Z Flip 5battery life. THE Galaxy Z Flip 5, mind you, contains two different cells with a nominal capacity of 971 and 2,620 mAh, which equates to a grand total of 3,591 mAh. This is rounded up to the claimed figure of 3,700 mAh, which is of course common practice in today's mobile industry and will continue with the Z Flip 6.
This next-gen foldable could come with upgraded 1,097 and 2,790 mAh batteries totaling a rated capacity of 3,887 mAh, or 4,000 mAh for all practical (and marketing) purposes. What's unclear (aside from the resulting battery life figures for everyday users) is the impact of such an upgrade on the screen size and overall dimensions of the device. Galaxy Z Flip 6 related to Z Flip 5.

How would a 4,000mAh battery capacity compare to the competition?

This, our friends, is an even bigger and more important question for Samsung, and in a nutshell, the answer is… good but not great. The mid-range Motorola Razr (2023), for example, already packs a 4,200 mAh cell than the Z Flip 6 it seems unlikely that it will match.
Of course, the latest “standard” edition of the Razr also sports a larger 6.9-inch main display than the 6.7-inch one. Galaxy Z Flip 5but interestingly the same is true for the high-end Motorola Razr Plus, which only manages to squeeze a 3,800mAh battery into a roughly identical body.

The 3,700 mAh packaging Z Flip 5 Unsurprisingly, our in-depth analysis found that battery test results were significantly lower than the non-Plus Razr (2023), aka Razr 40, while more or less matching the Razr+.