Apple releases first ad for Vision Pro; cool features highlighted but nothing we haven’t seen before

admin29 January 2024Last Update :
Apple releases first ad for Vision Pro; cool features highlighted but nothing we haven't seen before

Apple releases first ad for Vision Pro; cool features highlighted but nothing we haven’t seen before،

Apple has released iconic commercials for its iconic products. Being a phone enthusiast, I often watch the 2007-2008 ads for the OG iPhone and those were pretty memorable. Forgetting the famous “Hello” spot which showed scenes from movies and TV shows where people picked up a landline and said “Hello”, the real first commercial for the iPhone was brilliant because it showed everyone who were looking at how to use the device. “That’s how you turn it on” are the first words spoken in the first real iPhone ad.

Apple now has the opportunity to introduce the American television-watching public to the Vision Pro space computer, which will be released on February 2, Groundhog Day. If we may digress for a second, if the groundhog sees its shadow and returns to its den, winter will continue for another six weeks. If he doesn't see his shadow, spring will come early. Whether the groundhog sees its shadow or not, the $3,499 and up VisionPro will be officially released on this date.

The first announcement for VisionPro starts with that of Supertramp Dreamer playing in the background and we watch a gentleman don the headset. Through his eyes and his gestures, the VisionPro The user sets up a “desktop” that includes the Keynote application and the Messages application. We also see the same guy sitting on his couch with a bowl of popcorn streaming a movie on a giant screen that really doesn't exist. And with a simple gesture, it enlarges the screen size.

Next, we see a woman packing her suitcase for a trip and she participates in a FaceTime call with someone else's character. VisionPro user. The persona is a digital representation of the VisionPro user you are chatting with and you can see their face and hand movements in real time. Another VisionPro the user looks at a panorama and they get up and walk towards the image, making it immersive.

The 60-second ad also shows that even with the headphones on, you can interact with those around you and even have your children toast. The slogan reads: “Hello VisionPro“It will be interesting to see if VisionPro becomes a hit and where Apple takes it from here.

Another question: will I go to YouTube in 2041 to watch the OG VisionPro ads?